Hypocrea atrogelatinosa Dingley 1956

Hypocrea atrogelatinosa Dingley 1956
Hypocrea atrogelatinosa Dingley 1956
Cultures floccose, with white byssoid mycelium, usually formed in zones, media not discoloured; pigmented conidia develop within five days, giving whole surface an olive green colour. Mycelium hyaline, 4-8 µ diameter, septate. Conidiophores produced singly, occasionally in tufts, branched, 8-80 µ long, terminating in clusters of 2-5 phialides; phialides also produced as lateral branches, usually flask-shaped, 5-8 µ long. Conidia catenulated from tips of phialides, globose or oval, 1.5-4.5 x 1.5-3 µ, minutely echinulate, pigmented, often aggregated into gelatinous balls.
Chlamydospores sometimes present, usually globose, 12-17 µ diameter, terminal or intercalary.
Cultures are typical of those of Trichoderma viride.