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Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971

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Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb, New Zealand J. Bot. 9 368 (1971)

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(Lloyd) McNabb
NZ holotype
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii

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Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971

Under (1) Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii, Nelson: Maruia, 23.iii.l966, J. A. McRobb, 25106; (2) N. menziesii, Nelson: Karamea, Umere, 5.i.l968, (2 coils); 12.i.l968, R.F.R. McN: (3) N. solandri. Wellington: Tongariro National Park, Oturere Stream, 8.iv.l965, R.F.R. McN.. 24447; (4) Nothofagus sp., Wellington: York Bay, viii.l922, E. H. Atkinson (ISOTYPE, PDD 628); (5) Unknown native plants but probably Nothofagus. Wellington: Mt Waiopehu, X.1919, E. H. Atkinson, 533; Mt Holdsworth, ix.l922, G. H. Cunningham, 17721; Mt Ruapehu, Whakapapa River, x-1949, J. M. Dingley. 7377.
Pileus 0.7-4.5 cm diam., broadly spathulate, orbicular, or reniform, pallid creamy white, often with faint shell pink tints, stained with ochraceous or rusty brown patches when overmature. Hymenial surface concolorous with pileus: spines decurrent to deeply decurrent, to 5 mm long, crowded, pallid creamy white, darkening with age. Stipe lateral or less frequently excentric, 1-3 cm long, 3-5 mm diam. Spores globose, subglobose, or occasionally broadly elliptical, hyaline, thin-walled, readily collapsing, 7.7-9-(9.8) x 7-8.5 µm, smooth.
TYPE LOCALITY: York Bay. Wellington, New Zealand.
Solitary or gregarious under Nothofagus.
Lloyd, Mycol. Notes 69. pl. 247, figs 2468-9. 1923
Although Lloyd's description of Hydnum wellingtonii is inaccurate in many respects an isotype is typical of the beech forest form of H. crocidens. Var. wellingtonii may be distinguished from var. crocidens by the broadly spathulate, orbicular, or reniform pileus, excentric or lateral stipe, decurrent spines, and slightly larger spores. It appears to be restricted to Nothofagus-dominated habitats.

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Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb (1971)
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb (1971)
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb (1971)

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Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Hydnum crocidens var. wellingtonii (Lloyd) McNabb 1971
New Zealand

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25 September 2000
14 February 2019
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