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Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971

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Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb, New Zealand J. Bot. 9 369 (1971)

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as 'badius'
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971
NZ holotype
Hydnum crocidens var. badium
Nothofagus sp., [New Zealand], Wellington: York Bay, viii.1922, E.H. Atkinson Holotype PDD 24713 , ISOTYPE, PDD 628, DAOM 142529, BPI 259063

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Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971

Under L. ericoides, Auckland; Titirangi, Atkinson Park, ll.v-1965,,, R.F.R. McN., 24519, 24594. 24598, 24596;, A. Y. and R.J. McN., 24597; 10.ix.l965, R.F.R. McN. (HOLOTYPE, PDD 24713); 6.vii.l967, R.F.R. McN.
Pileus l-3.5-(5.5) cm diam., applanate or centrally depressed at maturity, occasionally with a deep central excavation, brown, dark brown, or dark reddish brown, surface rupturing to expose the sordid white context beneath at times. Hymenial surface pallid fawn, drying greyish orange; spines non-decurrent but reaching stipe, to 10mm long. crowded, pallid fawn with pinkish tints. Stipe central, occasionally excentric or lateral, 2-4 cm long, 4-12 mm diam., sordid white, creamy brown, or pallid pinkish fawn; flesh concolorous with exterior. Spores globose, subglobose, or occasionally broadly elliptical, hyaline, thin-walled, readily collapsing, 8-9.5 x 7.5-9 µm, smooth.
Gregarious or occasionally caespitose under Leptospermum
Pileus l-3.5- (5.5) cm diam., brunneus, atrobrunneus, vel atrobadius. Spinae non-decurrentes, ad 10 mm longae, confertae. Stipes centralis, interdum eccentricus vel lateralis, 2-4 cm longus, 4-12 mm diam. Sporae globosae, subglobose, vel interdum late ellipticae, hyalinae, tenuiparietes, 8-9.5 x 7.5-9 µm, leves.
Var. badius can be readily distinguished from other varieties of H. crocidens by the dark coloured pileus. It has been found only under Leptospermum.
Typus sub Leptospermo ericoide. Auckland: Titirangi, Atkinson Park. 10.ix.l965, R.F.R. McNabb, PDD 24713.

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Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb (1971)
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb (1971)

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Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb 1971
New Zealand

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Nothofagus sp., [New Zealand], Wellington: York Bay, viii.1922, E.H. Atkinson Holotype PDD 24713 , ISOTYPE, PDD 628, DAOM 142529, BPI 259063

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25 September 2000
3 March 2023
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