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Helotium magellanicum Dennis 1961

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Helotium magellanicum
On rotten wood in forest, [New Zealand] Colenso B396; under logs,

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Helotium magellanicum Dennis 1961

On rotten wood in forest, Colenso B396; under logs, Colenso B324.
Apothecia scattered, superficial, disc concave, 3 mm. diameter, drying Hay's Brown (Ridgway), receptacle cup-shaped with a well-developed cylindrical stalk, pruinose with short, free, hyphal tips, vertically ribbed and furrowed towards the margin, Deep Olive Buff. Flesh homogeneous, composed of compact hyphae, 4-5 µ wide, becoming parallel at a low angle to the surface in the outer layers. Asci clavate. long stalked, 115-120 x 10-12 µ, 8-spored, pore not blued by Melzer's reagent; ascospores biseriate, fusoid, 10-12.5 x 3-3.5 µ; paraphyses cylindrical, obtuse, 2 µ wide.
For this determination I am indebted to Mrs. Gamundi de Amos, who has kindly sent me part of a collection from Nahuel Huapi National Park, which she has compared with the type in Spegazzini's herbarium at La Plata. Massee gave the New Zealand material the apparently unpublished name Chlorosplenium flavovirens. In spite of the presence of a greenish pigment the structure of the apothecium seems to me that of an Helotium rather than of a Chlorosplenium. There is already a Helotium flavovirens (Pers.) Fr.

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Helotium magellanicum Dennis 1961
Helotium magellanicum Dennis (1961)
Helotium magellanicum Dennis 1961
Helotium magellanicum Dennis (1961)
Helotium magellanicum Dennis 1961
Helotium magellanicum Dennis
Helotium magellanicum Dennis 1961
Helotium magellanicum Dennis 1961

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Helotium magellanicum Dennis 1961
New Zealand

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On rotten wood in forest, [New Zealand] Colenso B396; under logs,

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16 December 2024
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