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Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976

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Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister, Occas. Pap. Farlow Herb. Cryptog. Bot 9 43 (1976)

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G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) Pfister
NZ holotype
Gymnomyces redolens

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Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: North Auckland, Piha Valley, J. M. Dingley, Mar 1949, PDD 6355; North Auckland,Piha Valley, J. M. Dingley, 15 Aug 1953, PDD 12334; North Auckland, Piha Valley, Waitakere Ranges, J. M. Dingley, 10 Jun 1971, PDD 29083; Waitakere Ranges, Ridge Track, R. E. Beever, 28 Mar 1997, PDD 67193; Te Aroha, 350 ft, G. H.Cunningham, May 1940, PDD 10141 (Isotype PDD); Waikato, Te Aroha, track to Bald Spur, R. E.Beever, 30 Apr 1988, PDD 48608; Waikato, Te Aroha, track to Bald Spur, R. E. Beever, 30 Apr 1988, PDD 48607; Titirangi, J. M. Dingley, 20 May 1950, PDD 7227; White Track, Piha, J. M. Dingley, 18 Sep 1970, PDD 28585; Kaipara Harbour, South Head, Lake Ototoa Scenic Reserve, M. Castellano s.n. [Trappe 16711], 4 Jun 1995, OSC; Kaipara Harbour, South Head, Lake Ototoa Scenic Reserve, R. E. Beever s.n. [Trappe 16710], 4 Jun 1995, OSC; Okura, Okura Scenic Reserve, R. E. Beever, 30 May 1993, PDD 63305. COROMANDEL: Little Barrier Island, Valley Track, E. P. Laracy & R. E. Beever, 15 Jun 1984, PDD 55423; Little Barrier Island, Valley Track, R. E. Beever, 6 May 1990, PDD 57890; Little Barrier Island, Thumb Track, E. P. Laracy & R. E. Beever, 13 Jun 1984, PDD 55486; Little Barrier Island, near Rangers' house, G. Beever, 11 May 1990, PDD 57889. GISBORNE: Wairoa, Pakarae Kumi Conservation Area, M. Castellano, 25 May 1995, PDD 65085; Wairoa, Pakarae Kumi Conservation Area, R. E. Beever, 26 May 1995, PDD 70556; Bay of Plenty, Urewera National Park, Papatotara, J. Trappe, 25 May 1995, PDD 65076; Bay of Plenty, Urewera National Park, Te Whaiti, R. E. Beever, 25 May 1995, PDD 70528. TAUPO: Turangi, Kaimanawa Forest, Kiko Track at road end, M. Castellano, 29 May 1995, PDD 65098; Turangi, Kaimanawa Forest, Kiko Track at road end, R. E. Beever, 29 May 1995, PDD 70552. NORTHLAND: Whangaruru North Head Scenic Reserve, R. E.Beever, 16 Nov 1984, PDD 55422; Tangihua Forest, near Lodge, R. E. Beever, 23 May 1992, PDD 60332; Tangihua Range, Tangihua Conservation Park, Lion's Lodge, R. E. Beever, 21 May 1992, PDD 60342; Tangihua Forest, Tangihua Conservation Park, Loop Track, R. E. Beever, 9 Apr 1988, PDD 55442. SOUTH ISLAND: NELSON: Dun Mt Track,Stevenson, 25 Apr 1949, Stevenson 525 (zt 70/720). DUNEDIN: Leith Valley, J. R. J. Moore, 13 Apr 1936, PDD 48514; Whare Flat, Chalkies Scenic Reserve, R. E. Beever, 25 May 1990, PDD 57845. FIORDLAND, Fiordland National Park, Lake Hauroko, Lookout Track, R. E. Beever, 21 May 1990, PDD 57857.
Basidiomata 5-25 mm diam., subglobose or irregular, depressed around basal attachment, rarely with an exposed gleba. Peridial surface slightly tomentose, finely wrinkled or smooth, white to cream-coloured drying pallid ochraceous. Context thin, fragile, off-white. Gleba white to cream becoming pallid ochraceous, loculate, locules small,irregular. Stipe absent. Columella absent or present, rudimentary, percurrent. Odour when fresh pleasant, resembling dried apricots; taste not recorded. Latex absent. Peridiopellis 70-150 µm wide, a dense turf of upright to repent, hyaline hyphal tips 20-55 x 2-4.5 µm diam., becoming tangled and interwoven. Peridial context 210-450 µm wide, of tightly interwoven, non gelatinised, hyaline hyphae 2-3.5 µm diam., sphaerocysts 12-22 µm diam. in scattered nests. Endocystidia absent. Columella context when present of interwoven, hyaline hyphae 2-3 µm diam. Hymenophoral trama 40-75 µm wide,of interwoven, hyaline hyphae 2-4.5 µm diam., not gelatinised, with sphaerocysts 12-27 µm diam. in scattered nests. Subhymenium poorly developed, 11-20 µm wide, with 1-2 tiers of isodiametric cells 5-9 µm diam. Basidia 25-35 x 9-11 µm, hyaline, ventricose to clavate, mostly with 1 or rarely 2 sterigmata 3-5 x 1-2 µm, robust. Cystidia 24-49 x 8-15 µm, broadly ventricose with broadly rounded apices and few granular contents refractive in KOH; arising in subhymenium, not extending much beyond basidia, rare. Spores 9-12.5(-14) x 9-12(-14) µm (10.88 ± 0.32 x 10.09 ± 0.3), Q = 1.05-1.07, globose to subglobose, orthotropic and symmetric, wall hyaline. Ornamentation amyloid, a dense spiny reticulum of warts and spines 2-4 µm high, bases just coalescing or several joined at their bases by low lines 0.2-0.8 µm high or ridges ± 1-1.5 µm high in a partial reticulum. Hilar appendix 1-1.5 x 0.5-1 µm, cylindrical; plage inamyloid. Spore colour in mass hyaline, in the locules of the dried gleba appearing pale cream coloured.
HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION: Hypogeous, growing in scattered groups among leaf litter in Nothofagusfusca, N. solandrii, and N. menziesii forests andLeptospermum scoparium or Kunzea ericoides scrub. Fruiting period Mar-Nov.
NOTES: Gymnomyces redolens is widely distributed in New Zealand. It differs from other New Zealand taxa in the robust spiny-reticulate ornamentation of the spores, and the mono- or bi-sterigmate basidia.The nomenclatural history of this species is given in Lebel & Castellano (2002).
HOLOTYPE: New Zealand, Auckland, Mt Te Aroha, specimens collected among debris on the forest floor adjoining tracks in rainforest at the base of Mt Te Aroha (350 ft), May 1940, G. Cunningham 10141 K (isotype PDD).

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Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister (1976)
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976

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Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Marlborough Sounds
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand
Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2000
17 November 2017
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