Gomphus dingleyae Segedin 1985 [1984]

Gomphus dingleyae Segedin, New Zealand J. Bot. 22 536 (1985 [1984])
as 'dingleyi'
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin 1985 [1984]
NZ holotype
Gomphus dingleyae
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin 1985 [1984]
MATERIAL: New Zealand: Auckland: Waitakere Road, Waiatarua, 26.7.72, leg. J. M. Dingley (PDD 30179, holotype); Titirangi, Atkinson's Park, 19:6.80, leg. B. P. Segedin (BPS 1709).
Basidiomes solid fleshy, 70 mm in height, mainly mesopodal (but sometimes almost pleuropodal), turbinate but becoming irregular with age, tapering from about 70 mm wide at the top to a stout stipe. Pileus up to 70 mm diam., pink- or yellow-ochraceous, plane at first, becoming depressed to deeply infundibuliform with irregular lobes, dry, downy fibrillose to somewhat canescent; margin thick and undulate to deeply and irregularly lacerate. Stipe solid, 6-15 mm diam., irregularly grooved, concolorous, with whitish patches especially towards the base, dry, velvety. Hymenial surface deeply decurrent with distinct, bifurcating, broad lamellar folds which become labyrinthine towards the stipe, concolorous but darkening to deep ochraceous on drying. Flesh solid, ochraceous, unchanging. Smell not noticeable, taste bitter. Reactions: KOH yellowish; FeSO, greenish black on all parts. Hyphae of pileal surface thin-walled; narrow, 3-3.5 µm diam., not clamped, mostly repent with occasional upturned ends. Hyphae of context thin-walled, narrow (3-4 µm diam.), not clamped, more or less parallel and closely interwoven; gloeoplerous hyphae very frequent, 3-4 µm diam., very tortuous, rarely branched, rarely septate (no clamps), with occasional ampulliform swellings up to 20 µm diam., contents yellow in bright field, densely cyanophilic, becoming granular in sulphovanillin, especially in the ampulliform swellings, but not changing colour; a few gloeoplerous hyphae terminate among basidia. Hymenium conspicuously thickening, basidia 60-70 x 7-9 µm, narrowly clavate, not clamped, 2-4 sterigmate, becoming thickwalled and sometimes pseudoseptate with age.Stipe of parallel hyphae with much branched hyaline caulocystidia. Spore print lacking. Spores 10-13 (11) x 4.5-6.5 (5.6) µm, ellipsoid, golden brown in bright field; walls thick and coarsely waned, ornamentation deeply cyanophilic after some hours; apiculus broad, prominent; spore wall metachromatic; faintly dextrinoid.
HABITAT: In litter in mixed podocarp-broadleaf forest.
Basidiomata solida carnosa, 70 mm alta plerumque mesopodalia, turbinata, in aetate inaequalia; stipes firmus, in pileum sensim expansus. Pileus 70 mm latus, subroseus vel flavo-ochraceus, primo planus dein depressus vel infundibuliformis, siccus, lanuginosus vel tenuiter fibrillosus; margine crassa, undulata, dein lacerata. Stipes solidus, irregulariter canalosus, siccus, concoloratus, canescens. Hymenium decurrens, rugis distinctis, labyrinthiformibus ad stipitem. Caro solida, immutabilis. Pileipellis hyphis repentibus, non fibulatis, raro ad extremum erectis, Trama hyphis 3-4 µm latis, non inflatis; hyphae gloeoplerae fortiter tortuosae, raro ramosae, raro septatae, non fibulatae, cyanophilae, cum tumoribus ampulliformibus 20 µm latis. Hymenium magnopere crassescens, basidia longa, non fibulata, tunicis subscrassatis, interdum pseudoseptata in aetate; sterigmatis 2-4. Stipes hyphis parallelis cum caulocystidiis ramulosis. Sporae 10-13 x 4.5-6.5 µm, ellipsoideae, fulvae; tunica crassa, cyanophila, cum verrucis crassis; apiculus latus, prominens. Ad terram, in silva. Auckland, New Zealand.
G. dingleyi is a much more robust species than G. novae-zelandiae and easily recognisable by its broad lamellar folds, solid stipe and margin becoming lacerate with age. Both species occur together in the same type of forest under various tree species. So far they have been recorded only in the Auckland area.
Since Petersen (1971 b) revised Corner's (1969) subgenus Excavatus to include species with smooth pileus surface as well as gloeoplerous hyphae and no clamps, G. dingleyi can now be accommodated there. Corner's subgenus Gomphorellus also includes species without clamps but the basidiomes are exclusively pleuropodal. Subgenus Phaeoclavulinoides was erected by Petersen (1976) to separate out species with strongly ornamented spore walls but all species he has so far included have clamp connections. However, the number of species of Gomphus described is still relatively small (19, excluding the five which have been placed in Gloeocantharellus Singer on the basis of well-formed gills) and as more are discovered it is probable that still further readjustments will need to be made to taxonomic groupings.
Since Petersen (1971 b) revised Corner's (1969) subgenus Excavatus to include species with smooth pileus surface as well as gloeoplerous hyphae and no clamps, G. dingleyi can now be accommodated there. Corner's subgenus Gomphorellus also includes species without clamps but the basidiomes are exclusively pleuropodal. Subgenus Phaeoclavulinoides was erected by Petersen (1976) to separate out species with strongly ornamented spore walls but all species he has so far included have clamp connections. However, the number of species of Gomphus described is still relatively small (19, excluding the five which have been placed in Gloeocantharellus Singer on the basis of well-formed gills) and as more are discovered it is probable that still further readjustments will need to be made to taxonomic groupings.
Holotypus: PDD 30179.
Taxonomic concepts
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin 1985 [1984]
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin 1985 [1984]
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin (1985) [1984]
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin 1985 [1984]
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin (1985) [1984]
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin 1985 [1984]
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin (1985) [1984]
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin 1985 [1984]
Gomphus dingleyae Segedin (1985) [1984]
Global name resources
New Zealand: Auckland: Waitakere Road, Waiatarua, 26.7.72, leg. J. M. Dingley, holotype PDD 30179
scientific name
1 March 2000
14 July 2011