Gliophorus subheteromorphus (Singer) E. Horak 1973

Gliophorus subheteromorphus (Singer) E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus subheteromorphus (Singer) E. Horak 1973
Pileus -20 mm, hemispherical, convex becoming expanded with depressed centre; scarlet to tomato red; glutinous, conspicuously striate at margin, glabrous. -Lamellae 12-16 (1-3) adnexed to adnate, white with reddish tinge, turning reddish orange with age, edges entire, concolorous, without glutinous thread. - Stipe 10-35 x 1-2 mm, cylindrical, equal; concolorous with pileus or orange with reddish tinge; glutinous, gabrous, fistulose, single. - Context red orange, yellowish towards base of stipe. - Odour and taste not distinctive. - Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH - yellow.
Spores 8-10.5 x 5-7 um, ovoid. - Basidia 32- 35 x 7-10 um, 4-spored. - Cystidia absent - Pileipellis an ixocutis of repent to interwoven, cylindrical hyphae (4-10 um diam.), membranes gelatinised, with encrusting and/or plasmatic pigment; clamp connections present (Pl. 1, Fig. 6).
DISTRIBUTI0N: NZ, N), South America (Chile).