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Dasyscyphus corticola (Massee) Dennis 1961

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Dasyscyphus corticola (Massee) Dennis, Kew Bull. 15 297 (1961)

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(Massee) Dennis
Dasyscyphus corticola

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Dasyscyphus corticola (Massee) Dennis 1961

On bark, Dehra Dun, India, Gamble 25545 (type); on decorticated wood of Ulex europaeus, Pukematakeo, Waitakere ranges, Auckland district, 21.10. 1956, S. D. Brook 19033; on bark of Melicope ternala (Rutaceae), Huia, Auckland, 29.11.1952, Dingley 18977.
Apothecia scattered, superficial, with short stout stalks; disc up to 2 mm. diameter, almost flat when fresh, with a low rim, deep yellow; receptacle pallid, clothed with fine light brown hairs, flesh compact, white. Hairs cylindrical, undulating, obtuse, up to 160 x 3.5-4 µ, with thin, brown, finely granulate walls and numerous septa. Asci cylindric-clavate, 100- 115 x 8-9 µ, 8-spored, apex conical, with a minute pore blued by Melzer's reagent; ascospores fasciculate, cylindrical, 7-septate, 54-62 x 1.5-2 µ; paraphyses slightly enlarged upwards to 3 µ, scarcely longer than the asci and not acutely pointed.
Dasyscyphella schroeteriana Rehm (1900) from Brasil, seems doubtfully distinct. Peziza leucophaea Berk. & Curt. (1860), on sticks in Japan, is similar but paler and with slightly longer ascospores, 60-70 x 1.5 µ. D. corticola must not be confused with the common European D. corticalis (Pers. ex Fr.) Massee, which has 1-septate ascospores 10-20 x 2-3.5 µ.

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Dasyscyphus corticola (Massee) Dennis 1961
Dasyscyphus corticola (Massee) Dennis (1961)

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Dasyscyphus corticola (Massee) Dennis 1961
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1 August 2019
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