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Coltricia cartilaginea G. Cunn. 1965

Coltricia cartilaginea G. Cunn. 1965
G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Coltricia cartilaginea G. Cunn. 1965
NZ holotype
Coltricia cartilaginea
Coltricia cartilaginea G. Cunn. 1965
UNKNOWN HOST. Wellington, Ohau River, Tararua Ranges, 600 m, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 3869.
Hymenophore annual, solitary or caespitose, sometimes imbricate, cartilaginous when dry, attached by a brief lateral stem which may be 3-5 mm long, 2-3 mm thick. Pilei flabelliform or spatulate, sometimes bifid or trifid, 5-20 mm wide, 10-20 mm radius, 0.2-1 mm thick; pileus surface reddish-brown, glabrous, shining, vaguely concentrically zoned with bands of darker brown, radiate-striate, more prominently basally; without a cortex; margin acute, plane, toothed, crenate, subtranslucent; hymenial surface bay, becoming chestnut or ferruginous, decurrent, with a prominent sterile border to 5 mm wide. Pores chestnut to 0.5 mm deep, polygonal or angular, 3-4 per mm, 150-300 µm diameter; dissepiments 100-150 µm thick, apices expanded partly occluding the pores, even. Context chestnut, becoming ferruginous, horny, shining in section, to 1 mm thick, of parallel hyphae compacted and radiately arranged; generative hyphae to 8 µm diameter, walls 1 µm thick, yellow-brown, sparsely branched and septate. Hymenial layer to 15 µm deep, a dense palisade of basidia and paraphyses, soon collapsing. Basidia clavate, 10-14 x 4-5 µm, bearing 4 spores; sterigmata erect, to 4 µm long. Paraphyses subclavate, many cylindrical, 8-12 x 3.5-4 µm. Spores globose or subglobose, apiculate 5-6 µmdiameter, walls delicately verruculose, hyaline or tinted, 0.1 µm thick.
New Zealand.
Decorticated decayed logs lying upon the forest floor.
Hymenophore annuum, solum vel caespitosum, caule laterali 3-5 mm longo, 2-3 mm crasso adjunctum. Pilei flabelliformes vel spatulati, bifidi vel trifidi, 5-20 mm lati, 10-20 mm radii, 0.2-1 mm crassi. Cortex abest. Margine acutus; hymenii superficies badia, decurrens, margine sterili ad 5 mm lato. Pori castanei, ad 0.5 mm alti, 3-4 per mm, 150-300 µm diam.; dissepimentis 100-150 µm crassis, apicibus expansis poros occludentibus. Contextus castaneus ad 1 mm crassus hypharum parallelarum compactarum et radiatim ordinatarum; hyphae generatoriae ad 8 µm diam., parietibus 1 µm crassis, leviter ramosae, septatae. Basidia clavata, 10-14 x 4-5 µm , 4 sporas in sterigmatis ad 4 µm longis gerentia. Sporae globosae vel subglobosae, apiculatae, 5-6 µm diam., parietibus subtiliter verrucolosis, hyalinis, 0.1 µm crassis. On decorticated decayed wood, Tararua Ranges, Wellington, N.Z.
Plants are farinose when young, then resembling specimens of "Polyporus" mutabilis Berk. & Curt. The species may be identified readily by the horny, semitransparent, polished pileus without a cortex, small lateral stem, and delicately verruculose, hyaline spores, markings of which can usually be seen only under an oil immersion objective when sections are stained. In its verruculose spores the species resembles C. dependens. Verruculae are more in the nature of irregular markings than definite warts or spines and are absent from walls of some spores.
LOCALITY: Tararua Ranges, Wellington.
Taxonomic concepts
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Without comment Corner (1991: 43) recombined the name as Coltriciella cartilaginea.
HABITAT : Decorticated decayed logs lying upon the forest floor. UNKNOWN HOST. Wellington, Ohau River, Tararua Ranges, [New Zealand], 600 m, type collection, PDD 3869.
scientific name
15 December 2003