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Cordyceps hauturu Dingley 1953

Cordyceps hauturu Dingley, Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 81 334 (1953)
Cordyceps hauturu Dingley 1953
NZ holotype
Cordyceps hauturu
Cordyceps hauturu Dingley 1953
Endosclerotium retaining outline of host, hyphae hyaline, branched 2-2.5 µ wide, gemmae globose or oval 6-10 x-5-6 µ, thick walled terminal intercalary or lateral, single or in clusters. Stroma 10-15 cm. long, usually single, rarely dichotomously branched arising from cervical region of endoselerotium, stem 8-10 cm. long, 1-1.5 mm. diameter, broader at the base, clothed with fulvous or bay-brown hairs; outer tissue pseudoparenchymatous, walls pigmented and thickened, inner tissue prosenchymatous, hyphae hyaline, thin walled 4-6 µ diameter. Fertile head terminal, swollen 4.5-8 cm. long, 3-5 mm. diameter, vinaceous, punctate with darker coloured protruding ostioles. Perithecia immersed, caespitose, oval or obpyriforrn, 0.2-0.25 x 0.4-0.5 mm. arranged at right angles to the main axis of the stem; perithecial wall 40-50 µ thick, pseudoparenchymatous cells 5-6p. diameter, thin walled, hyaline, lightly pigmented brown. Asci cylindrical, acicular, tapering to an apical cap, 250-350 x 8-12 µ, head globose 4-4.5 x 6 µ, canal distinct, 6-8 spored, spores loosely twisted into a fascicle; pseudoparaphyses evanescent. Spores cylindrical filiform, 150-190 x 1.5-2 µ, rnultiseptate, dividing into part-spores within the ascus, part-spores oblong 4-6 x 1.5-2 µ, hyaline; smooth. Conidial stage unknown.
HABITAT. On Lepidoptera larva.
Endosclerotium lineamentrum hospitis sequitur. Hyphis ramosis hyalinis 2-2.5 µ latis, gemmis globosis vel ovalibus, 6-10 x 5-6 µ, parietibus crassus terminalibus, intercalaribus vel lateralibus, solitariis vel in coronis dispositis. Stroma 10-15 cm. longum, plerumque solitarium, e cervice endosclerotii erumpens, stirpe cylindricali fulva, pilosa, paste fertili terminali, 4.5-8 cm. longa, vinacea. Perithecia in texto pseudoparenchymato stromatis immersa, ovalia vel obpyriformia 0.2-0.25 x 0.4-0.5 mm. ad pares angulos ad axem principalem disposita ostiolo papillato, pariete perithecii pseudoparenchymato 40-50 µ crasso hyalino. Asci cylindricales 250-350 x 8-12 µ capitibus globosis vel ovalibus 4-4.5 x 4-6 µ, 6-8 sporis, pseudoparaphysibus evanescentibus. Sporae cylindricales filiformes multiseptatae 115-190 x 1.5-2 µ, in sporas divisas in asco se dividentes. Sporae divisae 4-6 x 1.5-2 µ, hyalinae leves. Status conidialis ignotus.
A distinct species differing from C. robertsii in that perithecia are immersed in the tissues of the stroma; part-spores are smaller and the hyphae within the endoselerotium are coarser (2.5 µ) than in C. robertsii. No material of C. lacroixii Har. et. Pat. has been examined, but from the descriptions this species appears similar. Lloyd (1915) listed C. lacroixii as a synonym of C. gunnii but perithecia are arranged at right angles to the. main axis, while in C. gunnii the perithecial necks are curved.
Auckland: Little Barrier Island, October 1945, J.M.D. (Type Coll.) (10676); Auckland, W.Cottier ? (10677).
Taxonomic concepts
Cordyceps hauturu Dingley 1953
Cordyceps hauturu Dingley (1953)
Cordyceps hauturu Dingley 1953
Cordyceps hauturu Dingley (1953)
Cordyceps hauturu Dingley 1953
Cordyceps hauturu Dingley (1953)
Global name resources
Identification keys
taxonomic status
DNA sequences sho this species is Ophiocordyceps, but no combination yet in this genus [PRJ, 2019]
HABITAT. On Lepidoptera larva. [New Zealand],Auckland Little Barrier Island, October, 1945, J . M. D. holotype PDD 10676
scientific name
29 May 2023