Cheimonophyllum roseum Segedin 1994

Cheimonophyllum roseum Segedin 1994
Spores 6.5x4-6.5 (5.2x5.l)µm, Q= 1.01, globose to sub-globose, occasionally broadly pyriform, hyaline, inamyloid, not dextrinoid, acyanophilic, wall very thin, collapsing easily, apiculus usually short and distinct, occasionally extending gradually from the spore to give the pyriform spore outline, often with a distinct subterminal scar. Basidia 20-22 x 8 µm, subcylindrical to clavate, relatively short and stout, extending slightly at maturity; sterigmata (2)-4, 3-4 µm long, often scarred apically. Cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia absent. Trama fairly dense, somewhat bilateral with a central region of more or less parallel hyphae, 3-4 µm diam., lateral hyphae more interwoven, slightly divergent, merging into the narrow, filamentous subhymenium. Context of fairly densely packed hyphae, 5-6 µm diam., more parallel than interwoven and difficult to squash, merging into the loosely arranged pileipellis region with upturned hyphal endings responsible for the velutinous appearance and bundles of narrower hyphae for the villi. The pileus margin is heteromorphous, composed mainly of short, cylindrical to subclavate, flexuose to geniculate hyphal endings, some basidia and a number of more irregular cells basically narrow-subulate with a distinctive, long narrow neck. All hyphae have conspicuous clamp connections, and there was no indication of a gelatinisation.