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Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974

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Nag Raj & S. Hughes
Nag Raj & S. Hughes
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
NZ holotype
Chalara pulchra
New Zealand, Westland Province, Lake lanthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, holotype PDD 30408, isotype DAOM 110020

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Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974

Colony discrete, about 1 cm diam., brown with cream-coloured layer of persistent chains of conidia. Mycelium partly immersed, partly superficial, composed of hyaline to pale brown, smooth, septate, cylindrical hyphae, 1.5-3.5 µm wide, with cells here and there irregularly roughened, 6-7.5 µm wide, pale brown to dark brown and forming thin, superficial, stromatic aggregations from which conidiophores arise. Conidiophores in loose or compact clusters, subcylindrical, pale brown to brown, 105-150 µm long, composed of sessile or shortly stalked phialides borne directly on the thin stromata. Phialides 12.5-16.2 µm wide at the barely differentiated venter, merging into a cylin drical collarette which is 10.8-12.5 µm wide: stalks when present, onecelled, 7.9-9 µm long and 6-9 µm wide. Phialoconidia cylindrical, bluntly rounded at the apex and somewhat flattened at the marginally frilled base, predominantly 7-septate, hyaline to subhyaline, smooth, (40-) 45-50 (-57) x 8.5-9.5 (-10) µm, observed in readily seceding chains.
HABITAT: on inner surface of bark of Weinmannia racemosa.
Coloniae discretae, c. 1 cm diam., brunneae, strato ochroleuco catenarum persistentium conidiorum. Mycelium partim immersum, partim superficiale, ex hyphis hyalinis vel pallide brunneis, laevis, septatis, cylindricis, 1.5-3.5 µm lot. compositum, cellulis hic illic asperis, 6-7.5 µm lot., pallide brunneis vel atrobrunneis et in stromate tenui superficie aggregatis. Conidiophora in fasciculis laxis vel compactis in stromatibus oriunda, cylindrica, brunnea vel pallide brunnea, 105-150 µm long., ex phialidibus sessilibus vel breviter stipitatis compositae. Phialides 12.5-16.2 µm lot. ex ventro vix inflato et collo cylindrico, 10.8-12.5 µm lot. compositae: stipes unicellularis 7.9-9 µm long., 6-9 µm lot. Phialoconidia cylindracea, apice obtusi-rotundata, basi plana eµmarginali fimbriata, valde 7-septata, hyalina vel subhyalina, laevia (40-) 45-50 (-57) x 8.5-9.5 (-10) µm, in catenas facile secedentes observata. HABITAT: in pagina interiore corticis Weinntanniae racemosae. Typus:New Zealand, Westland Province, Lake lanthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 30408 (DAOM 110020).
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Westland Province, Lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 30408 (type) (DAOM 110020).

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Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes (1974)
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes (1974)
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes (1974)
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes (1974)
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes

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Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
New Zealand
Chalara pulchra Nag Raj & S. Hughes 1974
New Zealand

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New Zealand, Westland Province, Lake lanthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, holotype PDD 30408, isotype DAOM 110020

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scientific name
10 December 1992
11 April 2023
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