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Campanella vinosolivida Segedin 1993

Campanella vinosolivida Segedin, New Zealand J. Bot. 31 382 (1993)
Campanella vinosolivida Segedin 1993
NZ holotype
Campanella vinosolivida
Campanella vinosolivida Segedin 1993
New Zealand: North I.: Auckland: Waitakere Ra., Laingholm, D. W. Dye, 9 V 1971, PDD 29270 (holotypus, icon.); Mill Bay, J. M. Dingley, 23 VI 1976, PDD 60265; Titirangi, S. M. Hasnain, IV 1980, PDD 60262; B. P. Segedin, 11 VI 1983, PDD 60263.
Basidiome conchate to orbicular, sessile, attached dorsally, centrically to excentrically, gelatinous when fresh, drying hard and horny. Pileus 3-30 mm diam., convex, livid vinaceus (12C4) drying light greyish-brown (5E3), surface floccose especially when dry, and margin even, thin. Hymenophore concolorous, favoloid in the centric to excentric middle region (depending on point of attachment) from which up to 14 main lamellae radiate, separated by 2-3 series of crowded lamellulae, all connected by very frequent cross-veining at a somewhat lower level. Lamellae fairly narrow and relatively thin. Flesh gelatinous. Smell and taste unknown.
Spore print pure white. Spores 6.0-7.0 x 3.5-4.0 (6.0 x 3.6) µm, Q = 1.6, elliptic-oblong, sometimes slightly ovoid, fairly uniform in size, hyaline, inamyloid, not dextrinoid or cyanophilic, thin-walled, with a very small apiculus. Basidia 15-17 x 4-5 µm, clavate, with 4 long (-6 µm) sterigmata. Cheilocystidia 18-25 x 4-5 µm, hyaline, thin-walled, sinuato-cylindric to ventricose, ail apically diverticulate to nodulose, forming a sterile margin. Pleurocystidia absent. Trama of narrow (2-4 µm diam.), moderately gelatinised hyphae with conspicuous medallion clamp connections, interwoven to subparallel. Subhymenium similarly gelatinised, very narrow and not easily distinguished. Context of very strongly gelatinised, extremely narrow hyphae, with some broader ones (-5 µm diam.) with oily yellow contents. Pileipellis of narrow (-4 µm diam.) hyphae with yellow (in KOH) plasmatic pigment, giving rise to erect, diverticulate to well-developed asterostromelloid elements.
Spore print pure white. Spores 6.0-7.0 x 3.5-4.0 (6.0 x 3.6) µm, Q = 1.6, elliptic-oblong, sometimes slightly ovoid, fairly uniform in size, hyaline, inamyloid, not dextrinoid or cyanophilic, thin-walled, with a very small apiculus. Basidia 15-17 x 4-5 µm, clavate, with 4 long (-6 µm) sterigmata. Cheilocystidia 18-25 x 4-5 µm, hyaline, thin-walled, sinuato-cylindric to ventricose, ail apically diverticulate to nodulose, forming a sterile margin. Pleurocystidia absent. Trama of narrow (2-4 µm diam.), moderately gelatinised hyphae with conspicuous medallion clamp connections, interwoven to subparallel. Subhymenium similarly gelatinised, very narrow and not easily distinguished. Context of very strongly gelatinised, extremely narrow hyphae, with some broader ones (-5 µm diam.) with oily yellow contents. Pileipellis of narrow (-4 µm diam.) hyphae with yellow (in KOH) plasmatic pigment, giving rise to erect, diverticulate to well-developed asterostromelloid elements.
Gregarious on fallen wood of unknown species in indigenous podocarp-dicotyledonous forest.
Basidioma conchatum vel orbiculare, sessile, affixum dorsaliter et saepe excentrice, gelatinosum ubi novum, durum et corneum ubi aridum. Pileus 3-30 mm diam., convexus, vinosolividus (12C4), brunneolus ubi aridus (5E3), floccosus in superficie, margine plana et tenui. Hymenophorum concolorum, favoloideum in regione centrali vel excentrica, ex qua radiant quattuordecim vel pauciores lamellae, intervenientibus duobus vel tribus seriebus lamellularum confertarum, connexae paulo inferius permultis lamellis transversis; lamellae parum angustae et tenues. Caro gelatinosa. Odor et sapor ignoti. Sporarum imago alba. Sporae 6.0-7.0 x 3.5-4.0 (6.0 x 3.6) µm, Q = 1.6, ellipticae-oblongae, nonnumquam parum ovoideae, paene eadem magnitudine, hyalinae, inamyloideae, nec dextrinoideae nec cyanophilae, parietibus tenuibus, apiculo minimo. Basidia 15-17 x 4-5 µm, clavata, sterigmatibus longis quattuor. Cheilocystidia 18-25 x 4-5 µm. versiformia, hyalina, parietibus tenuibus, sinuato-cylindrica vel ventricosa, omnia diverticulata vel nodulosa ad apicem, marginem sterilem formantia. Trama ex hyphis angustis (2-4 µm diam.), aliquantum gelatinatis, connexa manifestis fibulis medalliformibus, intertextis vel subparallelis. Subhymenium similiter gelatinatum, perangustum, vix distinguibile. Contextus ex hyphis fortissime gelatinatis, angustissimis, sed nonnullae latiores sum (-5 µm. diam.) et velut oleum flavum continent. Pileipellis ex hyphis angustis (-4 µm diam.), cum pigmento flavo plasmatico ex quibus excrescunt panes arrectae diverticulatae vel asterostromelloideae. Gregarie in silva in ramis mortuis. Novazelandia
The name reflects the colour of fresh basidiomes.
The colour and morphology and the small spores of this species indicate affinities with C. purpureobrunnea Petch from Sri Lanka, and C. boninensis (s. Ito & Imai) Parmasto from Japan and CIS (formerly USSR) (Petch 1926; Parmasto 1981; Pegler 1986). It differs from them, however, in having well-developed cystidia, more elliptical spores and more complex pileipellis elements. Superficially C. vinosolivida could be confused with the New Zealand species Marasmiellus violaceogriseus (Stevenson) Horak both in colour and habit but can be distinguished by having almost favoloid lamellae in the middle of the hymenophore, conspicuous interveining between the outer lamellae and a straight margin, whereas M. violaceogriseus has no interveining and a strongly inrolled margin, at least in early stages.
The name reflects the colour of fresh basidiomes.
The colour and morphology and the small spores of this species indicate affinities with C. purpureobrunnea Petch from Sri Lanka, and C. boninensis (s. Ito & Imai) Parmasto from Japan and CIS (formerly USSR) (Petch 1926; Parmasto 1981; Pegler 1986). It differs from them, however, in having well-developed cystidia, more elliptical spores and more complex pileipellis elements. Superficially C. vinosolivida could be confused with the New Zealand species Marasmiellus violaceogriseus (Stevenson) Horak both in colour and habit but can be distinguished by having almost favoloid lamellae in the middle of the hymenophore, conspicuous interveining between the outer lamellae and a straight margin, whereas M. violaceogriseus has no interveining and a strongly inrolled margin, at least in early stages.
Taxonomic concepts
Campanella vinosolivida Segedin 1993
Campanella vinosolivida Segedin
Campanella vinosolivida Segedin 1993
Campanella vinosolivida Segedin (1993)
Campanella vinosolivida Segedin 1993
Campanella vinosolivida Segedin (1993)
Campanella vinosolivida Segedin 1993
Global name resources
Identification keys
New Zealand: North I.: Auckland: Waitakere Ra., Laingholm, D. W. Dye, 9 v 1971, holotype PDD 29270
scientific name
22 June 1998
24 January 2012