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Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985

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Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985
NZ holotype
Bipolaris novae-zelandiae
Isolatus e solo agresti, Mouteka, Nelson, New Zealand, 25 Oct. 1977, K. N. Brunette 12347, holotype IMI 222864, ex type ICMP 10399, isotype PDD 50639

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Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985

Colonies velvety with floccose growth, grey olivaceous, dark olivaceous to brown, sporulating freely. Stromata not formed. Hyphae septate, olivaceous brown to pale brown, smooth, septate, 4.5-6 µm thick. Conidiophores pale brown, geniculate above, septate, cylindrical, simple, rarely branched, smooth, 50-150 x 5-7 µm. Conidiogenous node surface somewhat verrucose. Conidia elongate cylindrical, smooth, straight, sometimes somewhat curved, pale olivaceous brown to pale brown or brown, 8-11 distoseptate, (66) 138-190 x 11-14 µm, often distinctly marked by a thick dark transverse septum at one or both ends. Hilum truncate, slightly protruding. First septum in the conidia median, second septum delimits the basal cell and the third septum is distal. Germination is bipolar and lateral
Coloniae in agaro velutinae, floccosae, griseo olivaceae, atro-olivaceae vel brunneae, sporulantes libere. Stromata absentia. Hyphae septatae, olivaceobrunneae vel pallide brunneae, laeves, 4.5-6 µm crassae. Conidiophora pallide brunnea, geniculata, septata, cylindrica, simplicia, raro ramosa, laevia, 50-150 x 5-7 µm. Conidia elongata, cylindrica, laevia, recta vel aliquando curvata, pallide olivaceobrunnea vel pallide brunnea, 8-11 distoseptata, (66)138-190 x 11-14 µm.
Isolatus e solo agresti, Mouteka, Nelson, New Zealand, 25 Oct. 1977, K.N. Brunette 12347, IMI 222864, holotypus.

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Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985
Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan.
Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985
Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985
Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985
Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985
Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985
Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. (1985)

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Bipolaris novae-zelandiae Sivan. 1985
New Zealand

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Isolatus e solo agresti, Mouteka, Nelson, New Zealand, 25 Oct. 1977, K. N. Brunette 12347, holotype IMI 222864, ex type ICMP 10399, isotype PDD 50639

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scientific name
8 December 1999
17 November 2014
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