Agrocybe acericola (Peck) Singer 1950

Agrocybe acericola (Peck) Singer 1950
Segedin 1631 (Mt Eden, Auckland, legit Hasnain, 19.IX.1979) had similar basidiospores and cheilocystidia and some pleurocystidia with digitate apices similar both to those figured by Overholts (1927) for A. acericola, and seen in collections by one of us (RW) of the same species from Michigan, USA.
This fungus was originally described as Agaricus (Pholiota) acericolus Peck from wood and trunks of maple (Acer) covered with moss but it is not infrequent in N. America on rotten Acer spp., old trunks of Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. and on piles of sawdust and chips from felling activities in frondose woodland or used as mulching in shrubberies. The Auckland material was on wood-chips and could conceivably have been introduced into New Zealand.