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Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. var. crispulum

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Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt., Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 19: 77 (1882) var. crispulum
Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. var. crispulum

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New Zealand
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Probably endemic. Distichophyllum crispulum has been reported from mainland Australia by Scott & Stone (1976, p. 390) and by Streimann (1999) who recorded it to be widespread in extreme eastern Australia from the easternmost Victoria northward to the vicinity of Cooktown, Queensland. The few mainland Australia (and one Norfolk I.) specimens that I have seen named as D. crispulum, including three named by Streimann, are either better referred to the var. adnatum (q.v.) or are clearly D. rotundifolium. Scott & Stone (1976, p. 390) also recorded D. crispulum from Tasmania. However, Dalton et al. (1991) were unable to confirm its presence on that island and Streimann (1999) did not record it there. All the purported D. crispulum in HO has been referred to D. rotundifolium. The Archer collections cited in Flora Tasmaniae (in BM) by Wilson (1859) are likewise referable to D. rotundifolium. The occurrence of the variety crispulum outside of N.Z. is therefore considered doubtful.

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Distichophyllum crispulum var. crispulum

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Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. var. crispulum
Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. var. crispulum
Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. var. crispulum

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Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. var. crispulum
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. var. crispulum
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District

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scientific name
11 May 2016
20 June 2017
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