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Fissidens strictus Hook.f. & Wilson

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Fissidens strictus Hook.f. & Wilson in Wilson, Bot. Antarct. Voy. III. (Fl. Tasman.) Part II, 167 (1859)
Fissidens strictus Hook.f. & Wilson

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Hook.f. & Wilson
Hook.f. & Wilson
Fissidens strictus Hook.f. & Wilson
Fissidens strictus
The epithet strictus (erect, stiff, narrow and very straight) from the protologue (“foliis strictis”) refers to the leaves.
Lectotype: Australia, Tasmania, Yorktown rivulet, 4 Jan. 1843, Gunn 1610, BM-Wilson! (Designated by Beever 1995, p. 291.) Isolectotypes: HO!, WELT!

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Fissidens strictus Hook.f. & Wilson
Fissidens strictus Hook.f. & Wilson
Fissidens strictus Hook.f. & Wilson

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Fissidens strictus Hook.f. & Wilson
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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The epithet strictus (erect, stiff, narrow and very straight) from the protologue (“foliis strictis”) refers to the leaves.
Lectotype: Australia, Tasmania, Yorktown rivulet, 4 Jan. 1843, Gunn 1610, BM-Wilson! (Designated by Beever 1995, p. 291.) Isolectotypes: HO!, WELT!

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scientific name
1 January 2000
8 September 2014
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