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Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.

Scientific name record
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Not threatened
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Schoenus brevifolius R.Br. (1810)
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius

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Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.

Rush-like; rhizome coarse, woody, up to 8 mm. diam., covered with closely appressed, dark red, almost black, shining bracts. Culms 50–80–(100) cm. long, slightly < 2 mm. diam., closely packed, erect, rigid, smooth, green and shining, often shallowly grooved on one side. Lvs reduced to 3–4 very dark red, hard, mucronate sheaths, the 2 uppermost with a short, subulate, erect lamina; orifice of sheath not ciliate. Panicle (8)–12–20–(30) cm. long, very narrow, upright and stiff, occ. bent at the top, with ± distant fascicles of 3–5 branchlets, each fascicle subtended by a short sheath similar to those at base of culm; branchlets flexuous, flattened, with scabrid edges, often branched again, sheaths subtending secondary branchlets ciliate at the mouth. Spikelet terminating each branchlet 9–12 mm. long, 2–3–(4)-fld, lanceolate, red-brown Glumes 7–10–(14), ovate-lanceolate, acute, margins ciliate towards the tip, 4–6 lower glumes smaller, empty, 2–3 succeeding glumes fertile, uppermost 2–3 glumes sterile. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens us. 2, occ. 3. Style-branches 3. Nut c. 1.5 × 1 mm., turgid, surface rugose, cream.

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Chaetospora tenax Hook.f.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius subsp. tenax (Hook.f.) Kük.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus brevifolius var. tenax (Hook.f.) Koyama
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
Schoenus tenax (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.

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Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
New Caledonia
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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