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Pterygophyllum distichophylloides Broth. & Dixon

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Pterygophyllum distichophylloides Broth. & Dixon in Dixon, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 42: 106 (1915)

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Broth. & Dixon
Broth. & Dixon
Pterygophyllum distichophylloides Broth. & Dixon
Pterygophyllum distichophylloides
Holotype: N.Z., near Auckland, D. Petrie 800, 1892, BM 1109228! Isotype: WELT M001607! The BM material is best considered the holotype, although it was not designated as such in the publication describing the genus. It was clearly designated in Dixon’s hand as the type, and it is unclear from Dixon (1915, publication title notwithstanding) whether any material remains in the Mitten herbarium.

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Pterygophyllum distichophylloides Broth. & Dixon
Pterygophyllum distichophylloides Broth. & Dixon

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Pterygophyllum distichophylloides Broth. & Dixon
New Zealand

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Holotype: N.Z., near Auckland, D. Petrie 800, 1892, BM 1109228! Isotype: WELT M001607! The BM material is best considered the holotype, although it was not designated as such in the publication describing the genus. It was clearly designated in Dixon’s hand as the type, and it is unclear from Dixon (1915, publication title notwithstanding) whether any material remains in the Mitten herbarium.
The species epithet means resembling a Distichophyllum.

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1 January 2000
12 April 2016
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