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Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper 2014

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Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper, Index Fungorum 1 (2014)
Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper 2014

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J.A. Cooper
(McNabb) J.A. Cooper
Laccaria paraphysata

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Under (1) L. ericoides, Auckland: Titirangi, Atkinson Park, 28.iv.l965,, 1967. 6.vii.l967, 12.vii.l967, R. F. R. McN., PDD 24517, PDD 25972, PDD 25968, PDD 25974; 12.vii.l967, R. F. R. McN., (HOLOTYPE, PDD 25973). (2) L. scoparium, Auckland: Waitakere Ranges, Cascade Kauri Park, 9.vii.l967, R. F. R. and A. Y. McN„ PDD 25953-, Matakana, 31.V.1969, J. M. Dingley, PDD 29387; Huia, 9.V.1970, J. M, D., PDD 29382; North Piha, White's track, 8.vii.l970, B. S. Parris, PDD 28422. (3) Leptospermum sp., Auckland: Piha Stream, 3.V.1970, P. K. C. Austwick.
As in the type variety but paraphyses numerous, simple or sparingly and irregularly branched apically, often nodulose, continuous or with a clamp connection throughout their length, to 4.5 µm diam., projecting beyond basidia.
Gregarious under Leptospermum
Ut in varietate typica sed paraphyses numerosae, simplices vel parce et irregulariter ramosae ad apicem, saepe nodulosae, continuae vel fibulatae, ad 4.5 µm diam., procurrentes ultra basidia.

Laccaria ohiensis var. paraphysata differs from the type variety in the numerous, irregularly shaped, simple or sparingly branched paraphyses interspersed with the basidia. Macroscopically the two varieties are indistinguishable.

Var. paraphysata appears to be an endemic fungus. It has been found only in relatively undisturbed native bush and scrub dominated by Leptospermum.

PDD 25973.

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Laccaria impolita var. paraphysata (McNabb) Pázmány (1994)
Laccaria ohiensis var. paraphysata McNabb
Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper 2014
Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper 2014
Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper
Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper 2014
Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper
Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper 2014

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Laccaria paraphysata (McNabb) J.A. Cooper 2014
[Not available]

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18 October 2014
18 October 2014
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