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Thelymitra venosa R.Br.

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Thelymitra venosa R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 314 (1810)
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa

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Thelymitra venosa R.Br.

Plant at fl. c. 10–50 cm. tall, often gregarious. Lf linear, fleshy, roundly thickened on margins and keel and so ± trefoil-shaped in T.S. Infl. 1–c. 6-fld. Per. c. 10–15 mm. long, most commonly blue, less commonly white, petals and occ. other tepals strongly striped with darker blue, occ. wholly pink without obvious stripes. Lateral sepals narrow. Petals broad-elliptic. Labellum broadly obovate, sts slightly crenate towards tip or mucronate. Column short; anther bent forward, almost fully exposed, ending in 2 short horns; column-arms ± ribbon-like, tending to twist inwards into ½–1½ turns of a loose spiral, tip sts unevenly notched; post-anther lobe lacking; a narrow band of clear, blister-like, crowded calli lies across back of anther between bases of column-arms and sts extends up their lower margins.

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Macdonaldia venosa (R.Br.) Lindl.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
New Zealand
Political Region

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Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District

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Moore & Edgar 1970 misapplied this name to Thelymitra cyanea (Lindl.) Benth.

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scientific name
24 June 2002
17 October 2023
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