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Chaetosphaeria fusichalaroides (S. Hughes & Nag Raj) Réblová 2004

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Chaetosphaeria fusichalaroides (S. Hughes & Nag Raj) Réblová 2004
Chaetosphaeria fusichalaroides (S. Hughes & Nag Raj) Réblová 2004

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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S. Hughes & Nag Raj
(S. Hughes & Nag Raj) Réblová
replacement name
Chaetosphaeria fusichalaroides (S. Hughes & Nag Raj) Réblová 2004
NZ holotype
Chaetosphaeria fusichalaroides
New Zealand, Auckland Prov., Waitakere Ra., Upper Piha Valley, Home Track, on decorticated wood, 9 Oct. 1963, S. Hughes, holotype PDD 21599, also holotype of Fusichalara dingleyae

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COLLECTIONS: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Waitakere Range, (1) wood of Melicytus ramiflorus, Anawhata Road (300 m), 3.X.1963, J. M. Dingley, PDD 30403 (DAOM 93954b); (2) Olearia rani, Henderson Valley, 24.X.1963, DAOM 93595c; on unidentified wood; (3) Kauri Knoll Track, Waiatarua, 6.II.1963, DAOM 109353b; (4) Henderson Valley, 24.X.1963, DAOM 109385b; (5) Upper Piha Valley, 9.X.1963, PDD 21599 (type) (DAOM 93957a); (6) Titirangi, 22.I.1963, DAOM 110203b; (7) Whitianga Road (300 m), Coromandel Peninsula, 21.VIII.1963, DAOM 93569b; (8) Westland, Lower Poerua River, Harihari, 5.IV.1963, J.M.D., DAOM 110202.

This species is also known from the United States (DAOM 82810b, on rotten wood, near Onoville, N.Y., 10.V1.1961, S.J.H.).

Colonies scattered, effuse, brown, hairy. Mycelium immersed, composed of pale brown to dark brown, generally smooth, septate hyphae, 1.5 to 4.0 µm wide. Conidiophores arising from a thin stroma, usually in compact fascicles of 15 or more, seldom solitary, simple, erect, more or less cylindrical, brown to dark brown below. progressively paler towards the apex, coarsely roughened, with walls 1.8-2.5 µm thick, 140-305 µm long, 8-10 µm wide at the base, 3- to 7-septate below and terminating in a phialide. Phialides subcylindrical, 90-160 µm long, composed of a poorly differentiated, very slightly inflated venter 21-65 µm long and 10.8-12.6 (-13.5) µm wide, and a long, cylindrical collarette 65-110 µm long and 8.1-9.5 µm wide.

Phialoconidia of two kinds. The first-formed conidium is long, cylindrical, rounded and very thick-walled at the apex and truncate at the base, with a well-marked marginal frill, hyaline, up to 16-septate and 95 µm long, but mostly 7-septate and 62.5-83.5 x 5.5-6.5 µm. Subsequent conidia fusiform, narrowly conical at the apex, truncate at the base with a conspicuous marginal frill, hyaline to subhyaline, up to 5-septate, predominantly 3-septate and 36-58 µm long and 5-6.5 µm wide, sometimes observed in readily seceding chains.

On rotten wood.

Coloniae dispersae, effusae, brunneae, hirsutae. Mycelium ex hyphis immersis, ramosis, septatis, pallide brunneis vel brunneis, 1.5-4.0 µm lat. compositum. Conidiophora in fasciculis (15 vel plus) oriunda plus minusve cylindrica, basi brunnea vel atrobrunnea, apicem versus gradatim pallidiora, verrucosa, 140-305 µm long., basim versus 8-10 µm lat. 3-7-septata, in phialidem unicam desinentia. Phialides subcylindricae, 90-160 µm long., ad ventrum parum inflatae 21-65 µm long., 10.8-12.6(-13.5) µm lat., et collo cylindrico 65-110 µm long. et 8.1-9.5 µm lat. desinentes. Phialoconidium princeps longe cylindraceum, apice rotundatum, basi trun¬catum, hyalinum, ad 16-septatum et ad 95 µm long. sed plerumque 7-septatum, 62.5-83.5 x 5.5-6.5 µm; cellula apicali in apicem pariete maxime incrassato. Phialoconidia sequentia fusiformia, apice anguste conica, basi truncata, hyalina vel subhyalina, ad 5-septata, plerumque 3-septata, 36-58 x 5.0-6.5 µm aliquando in catenulas fragiles observata.

Habitat: In ligno putrido, New Zealand.

Typus: Auckland Province, Waitakere Range, Upper Piha Valley, 9.X.1963, PDD 21599 (DAOM 93957a).

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Chaetosphaeria fusichalaroides (S. Hughes & Nag Raj) Réblová 2004
Chaetosphaeria fusichalaroides Réblová (2004)

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Chaetosphaeria fusichalaroides (S. Hughes & Nag Raj) Réblová 2004
[Not available]

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taxonomic status
Has anamorph taxon Fusichalara dingleyae
New Zealand, Auckland Prov., Waitakere Ra., Upper Piha Valley, Home Track, on decorticated wood, 9 Oct. 1963, S. Hughes, holotype PDD 21599, also holotype of Fusichalara dingleyae

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scientific name
14 December 2004
15 December 2024
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