Miller, D. 1950: Catalogue of the Diptera of the New Zealand sub-region. Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 100: 1-194.

Miller, D. 1950: Catalogue of the Diptera of the New Zealand sub-region. Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 100: 1-194.
Taxonomic concepts
Allophylopsis punctata Lamb 1909
Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus)
Helophilus interruptus Lamb 1909
Helophilus purehuensis Miller 1911
Cited scientific names
- Abatetia Miller, 1945
- Allophylopsis laquei (Hutton, 1902)
- Allophylopsis punctata Lamb, 1909
- Cyrtoneura Marshall, 1896
- Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761)
- Helophilus antipodus Schiner, 1868
- Helophilus ineptus Walker, 1849
- Helophilus interruptus Lamb, 1909
- Helophilus purehuensis Miller, 1911
- Huttonia Marshall, 1896
- Nelsonia Parent, 1933
- Nervijuncta Marshall, 1896
18 April 2013
8 May 2015