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Rugolo, Maximiliano; Barroetaveña, Carolina; Barrett, Matt D.; Mata, Gerardo; Hood, Ian A.; Rajchenberg, Mario; Pildain, María B. 2022: Phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy of Grifola (Polyporales). Mycological Progress 22(7): 1-14.

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Rugolo, Maximiliano; Barroetaveña, Carolina; Barrett, Matt D.; Mata, Gerardo; Hood, Ian A.; Rajchenberg, Mario; Pildain, María B. 2022: Phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy of Grifola (Polyporales). Mycological Progress 22(7): 1-14.

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In our work, Grifola colensoi spores are more elongate compared with Cunningham (1965) description (globose to sub-globose), and have thicker spore walls. The Australian samples also seem to have smaller pores than reported by Cunningham (1965), although it is possible his measurements are from fresh samples. As we could not check New Zealand specimens to compare with Australian ones, we cannot be definitive about differences between the two areas. Grifola colensoi is characterized by its large irregular pores, large diameter skeletal hyphae, and globose smooth spores.

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19 January 2023
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