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Edgar, E.; Connor, H. E. 1983: Nomina Nova. III, 1977--1982. New Zealand Journal of Botany 21: 421–441.

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Edgar, E.; Connor, H. E. 1983: Nomina Nova. III, 1977--1982. New Zealand Journal of Botany 21: 421–441.

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KEY TO NEW ZEALAND GENERA IN THE PODOCARPACEAE (abbreviated but otherwise unchanged from Quinn)

Adult leaves absent or reduced to non-photosynthetic scales; ultimate branchlets flat or leaf-like. Seeds erect and surrounded at the base by a symmetrical aril when mature
Adult leaves not suppressed, ultimate branchlets not flattened and leaf-like
Adult leaves scale-like and imbricate or awl-like; female cones terminal on branchlets bearing ordinary leaves
Adult leaves not as above, distinctly flattened in cross section, linear to ovate and sometimes falcate; female cones on short lateral branchlets that are either leafless or bear leaves of reduced size
Seeds erect or almost so at maturity; the epimatium (when present) forming an asymmetrical sheath around the base and no more than half the height of the seed
Seeds inverted at maturity, the micropyle adjacent to the point of attachment; the epimatium completely investing the seed to form a carpidium
Bracts of the immature female cone lax and spreading, separated by distinct internodes, the bracts remaining fleshy at maturity but not becoming brightly coloured; juvenile leaves distichous
Bracts of immature female cone closely imbricate and often becoming succulent and red, orange, or white at maturity; juvenile leaves spreading radially
Seeds erect, not compressed or keeled, circular in cross-section; micropyle elongated and hooked; resin ducts absent from the leaves
Seeds usually oblique to the cone axis, compressed and laterally keeled; micropyle short and blunt; resin ducts present in the leaves
Female cone bract fused to one side of the carpidium and borne subterminally on a warty and fleshy receptacle; juvenile leaves bilaterally flattened, falcate and distichous
Female cone bract free of carpidium; carpidium compressed, striated on both upper and lower surfaces, usually seated on fleshy, aril-like collar at maturity; juvenile leaves flattened, linear, not distichous
Leaves without hypodermis and containing a single resin duct below the vein; female cone borne on a scaly peduncle; no fleshy receptacle developed
Leaves with hypodermis and containing 1-5 resin ducts; female cone borne on a naked peduncle; cone bracts swelling to form a fleshy receptacle

Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.

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19 July 2005
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