van den Boom, P.P.G.; Mayrhofer, H. 2007: Notes of Lecania species from Australasia, with the description of a new variety and a new combination in Halecania. Australasian Lichenology 60: 26–33.

van den Boom, P.P.G.; Mayrhofer, H. 2007: Notes of Lecania species from Australasia, with the description of a new variety and a new combination in Halecania. Australasian Lichenology 60: 26–33.
Taxonomic concepts
Halecania subsquamosa (Müll.Arg.) van den Boom & H.Mayrhofer
Lecania inundata (Hepp ex Körb.) M.Mayrhofer
Lecania rabenhorstii (Hepp) Arnold
Lecania subsquamosa Mull.Arg.
Lecania turicensis (Hepp) Müll.Arg.
Lecania turicensis (Hepp) Müll.Arg. var. turicensis
Lecania turicensis var. macrocarpa van den Boom & H.Mayrhofer
Cited scientific names
- Halecania subsquamosa (Müll.Arg.) van den Boom & H.Mayrhofer
- Lecania fructigena Zahlbr.
- Lecania inundata (Hepp ex Körb.) H.Mayrhofer
- Lecania rabenhorstii (Hepp) Arnold
- Lecania subsquamosa Mull.Arg.
- Lecania turicensis (Hepp) Müll.Arg.
- Lecania turicensis (Hepp) Müll.Arg. var. turicensis
- Lecania turicensis var. macrocarpa van den Boom & H.Mayrhofer
24 March 2007
5 May 2020