Cockayne, L.; Allan, H.H. 1926: Notes on New Zealand floristic botany, including descriptions of new species, & c. (No. 4). Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 56: 21–33.

Cockayne, L.; Allan, H.H. 1926: Notes on New Zealand floristic botany, including descriptions of new species, & c. (No. 4). Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 56: 21–33.
Taxonomic concepts
Cited scientific names
- Astelia nervosa var. grandis (Hook.f. ex Kirk) Cockayne & Allan
- Astelia nervosa var. sylvestris Cockayne & Allan
- Carmichaelia australis var. egmontiana Cockayne & Allan
- Cassinia vauvilliersii var. serpentina Cockayne & Allan
- Coprosma petriei var. atropurpurea Cockayne & Allan
- Epilobium melanocaulon var. typica Cockayne & Allan
- Epilobium melanocaulon var. viride Cockayne & Allan
- Epilobium pernitens Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe allanii Cockayne
- Hebe amplexicaulis (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe amplexicaulis var. erecta Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe amplexicaulis var. suberecta Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe buxifolia var. pauciramosa Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe treadwellii Cockayne & Allan
- Myosotis colensoi (Kirk) Cockayne & Allan
- Ourisia macphersonii Cockayne & Allan
- Plagianthus ×cymosus Kirk
- Pterostylis confertifolia Allan
- Ranunculus maculatus Cockayne & Allan
- Ranunculus rivularis var. glareosus Cockayne & Allan
18 February 2004
17 May 2023