Letcher, P.M.; Velez, C.G.; Barrantes, M.E.; Powell, M.J.; Churchill, P.F.; Wakefield, W.S. 2008: Ultrastructural and molecular analyses of Rhizophydiales (Chytridiomycota) isolates from North America and Argentina. Mycological Research 112: 759-782.

Letcher, P.M.; Velez, C.G.; Barrantes, M.E.; Powell, M.J.; Churchill, P.F.; Wakefield, W.S. 2008: Ultrastructural and molecular analyses of Rhizophydiales (Chytridiomycota) isolates from North America and Argentina. Mycological Research 112: 759-782.
Taxonomic concepts
Alphamyces chaetifer (Sparrow) Letcher
Alphamycetaceae Letcher
Chytridium pollinis-pini A. Braun 1855
Globomyces pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Letcher
Globomycetaceae Letcher
Rhizidium sphaerocarpum Zopf 1884
Rhizophydium chaetiferum Sparrow
Rhizophydium pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Zopf 1887 [1888]
Rhizophydium sphaerocarpum (Zopf) A. Fisch. 1891
Urceomyces sphaerocarpus (Zopf) Letcher
Cited scientific names
- Alphamyces chaetifer (Sparrow) Letcher 2008
- Alphamyces Letcher 2008
- Alphamycetaceae Letcher 2008
- Chytridium pollinis-pini A. Braun 1855
- Globomyces Letcher 2008
- Globomyces pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Letcher 2008
- Globomycetaceae Letcher 2008
- Rhizidium sphaerocarpum Zopf 1884
- Rhizophydiales Letcher 2006
- Rhizophydium chaetiferum Sparrow 1937
- Rhizophydium pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Zopf 1887 [1888]
- Rhizophydium sphaerocarpum (Zopf) A. Fisch. 1891
- Urceomyces Letcher 2008
- Urceomyces sphaerocarpus (Zopf) Letcher 2008
8 February 2012