Sullivant, W.S. 1860: Musci. In: United States Exploring Expedition. During the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Under the command of Charles Wilkes U.S.N. Vol. 17. Botany 1. Cryptogamia ii. Phanerogamia of the Pacific Coast of North America. C. Sherman, Philadelphia. [1]–32.

Sullivant, W.S. 1860: Musci. In: United States Exploring Expedition. During the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Under the command of Charles Wilkes U.S.N. Vol. 17. Botany 1. Cryptogamia ii. Phanerogamia of the Pacific Coast of North America. C. Sherman, Philadelphia. [1]–32.
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13 September 2013
16 January 2017