Barr, M.E. 1997: Notes on some 'dimeriaceous' fungi. Mycotaxon 64: 149-171.

Taxonomic concepts
Wentiomyces was described from Java, and Muller and Arx (1962), Arx and Muller (1975) took up the name for several taxa. Eriksson and Hawksworth (1993) and Hawksworth et al. (1995) have also accepted Wentiomyces. The type species, W. javanicus Koord. has vestiture composed of short stiff setae whole tips are blunt and lobed or furcate. The species was described as aparaphysste (Koorders 1907, Muller and Arx 1962). Bose and Muller (1964) described a collection that is similarly aparaphysate; it developed on empty ascomata of Neophacidium quercus (Chona, Munjal & Kapoor) E. Mull. & Ahmad in India. Farr (1965) regarded the genus as doubtful and proposed that it be designated as nomen dubium, because the type specimen was not available and the fungus was described from sparse and immature material. I agree with that decision, with the proviso that the Bose and Muller collection indicates that such a taxon, having bluntly lobed tips to the short setae and aparaphysate asi in a fascicle, may belong among dothidealean genera. To replace Wentiomyces, Neocoleroa and Raciborskiomyces are reinstated for taxa whose setae are blunt-tipped and lobed to furcate or sharply pointed, respectively. Neocoleroa accommodates several species that are in accord with the description of N. sibirica, the type species, which has bluntly ended, lobed and furcate stiff setae at the apex, and hyaline or lightly pigmented, unlseptate ascospores. The related taxa all form minute to small ascomata 40-100(-150) um, that bear a crown of short blunt-tipped and often lobed or furcate setae as well as dependent hypha; appendages that merge with the basal tomentum. The oblong to saccate asci arise from a basal layer among sparse pseudoparaphyses.
Wentiomyces was described from Java, and Muller and Arx (1962), Arx and Muller (1975) took up the name for several taxa. Eriksson and Hawksworth (1993) and Hawksworth et al. (1995) have also accepted Wentiomyces. The type species, W. javanicus Koord. has vestiture composed of short stiff setae whole tips are blunt and lobed or furcate. The species was described as aparaphysste (Koorders 1907, Muller and Arx 1962). Bose and Muller (1964) described a collection that is similarly aparaphysate; it developed on empty ascomata of Neophacidium quercus (Chona, Munjal & Kapoor) E. Mull. & Ahmad in India. Farr (1965) regarded the genus as doubtful and proposed that it be designated as nomen dubium, because the type specimen was not available and the fungus was described from sparse and immature material. I agree with that decision, with the proviso that the Bose and Muller collection indicates that such a taxon, having bluntly lobed tips to the short setae and aparaphysate asi in a fascicle, may belong among dothidealean genera. To replace Wentiomyces, Neocoleroa and Raciborskiomyces are reinstated for taxa whose setae are blunt-tipped and lobed to furcate or sharply pointed, respectively. Neocoleroa accommodates several species that are in accord with the description of N. sibirica, the type species, which has bluntly ended, lobed and furcate stiff setae at the apex, and hyaline or lightly pigmented, unlseptate ascospores. The related taxa all form minute to small ascomata 40-100(-150) um, that bear a crown of short blunt-tipped and often lobed or furcate setae as well as dependent hypha; appendages that merge with the basal tomentum. The oblong to saccate asci arise from a basal layer among sparse pseudoparaphyses.
Cited scientific names
9 October 2015