Walker, F. 1863: XXVII: Crambites and Tortricites. In: List of the specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. London, 1-286.

Walker, F. 1863: XXVII: Crambites and Tortricites. In: List of the specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. London, 1-286.
Chapter in book (in series)
Cited scientific names
- Adena Walker, 1863
- Adena xanthialis Walker, 1863
- Aquita Walker, 1863
- Crambus bisectellus Zeller, 1863
- Crambus cuneiferellus Walker, 1863
- Crambus nexalis Walker, 1863
- Crambus sabulosella Walker, 1863
- Crambus transcissalis Walker, 1863
- Hypochalcia indistinctalis Walker, 1863
- Hypochalcia submarginalis Walker, 1863b
- Orosana Walker, 1863
- Pempelia cautella Walker, 1863
- Samana falcatella Walker, 1863
- Samana Walker, 1863
23 June 2015
3 August 2015