Sharp, D. 1886: On New Zealand Coleoptera, with descriptions of new genera and species. Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society 2(3): 351-454.

Sharp, D. 1886: On New Zealand Coleoptera, with descriptions of new genera and species. Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society 2(3): 351-454.
Cited scientific names
- Amplectopus ovalis Sharp, 1886
- Amplectopus Sharp, 1886
- Anencyrus discedens Sharp, 1886
- Anencyrus Sharp, 1886
- Brachyolus inaequalis Sharp, 1886
- Caccomolpus globosus Sharp, 1886
- Caccomolpus plagiatus Sharp, 1886
- Catoptes brevicornis Sharp, 1886
- Catoptes longulus Sharp, 1886
- Catoptes scutellaris Sharp, 1886
- Ceralomus morosus Sharp, 1886
- Ceralomus Sharp, 1886
- Cicindela helmsi Sharp, 1886
- Cillenum subcaecum Sharp, 1886
- Ctenognathus pictonensis Sharp, 1886
- Didymocantha quadriguttata Sharp, 1886
- Diglymma Sharp, 1886
- Maurodus plagiatus (Sharp, 1886)
- Mecodema ducale Sharp, 1886
- Mecodema metallicum Sharp, 1886
- Mecodema rugiceps Sharp, 1886
- Metaglymma sulcatum Sharp, 1886
- Oemona plicicollis Sharp, 1886
- Ophryops dispar Sharp, 1886
- Pilacolaspis wakefieldi Sharp, 1886
- Protolobus obscurus Sharp, 1886
- Pterostichus (Trichosternus) compressus Sharp, 1886
- Pterostichus (Zeopoecilus) calcaratus Sharp, 1886
- Pterostichus brounianus Sharp, 1886
- Pterostichus subg. Zeopoecilus Sharp, 1886
- Sympiestus Sharp, 1886
- Sympiestus syntheticus Sharp, 1886
- Syrphetodes bullatus Sharp, 1886
- Tachys latipennis Sharp, 1886
- Tarastethus debilis Sharp, 1886
- Zolus helmsi Sharp, 1886
- Zolus Sharp, 1886
21 February 2017
8 May 2017