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Marinov, M.; Amaya-Perilla, C.; Holwell, G.I.; Varsani, A.; van Bysterveldt, K.; Kraberger, S.; Stainton, D.; Dayaram, A.; Curtis, N.; Cruickshank, R.H.; Paterston, A. 2018: Geometric morphometrics and molecular systematics of Xanthocnemis sobrina (McLachlan, 1873) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) and comparison to its congeners. Zootaxa 4078(1): 084-120.

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Marinov, M.; Amaya-Perilla, C.; Holwell, G.I.; Varsani, A.; van Bysterveldt, K.; Kraberger, S.; Stainton, D.; Dayaram, A.; Curtis, N.; Cruickshank, R.H.; Paterston, A. 2018: Geometric morphometrics and molecular systematics of Xanthocnemis sobrina (McLachlan, 1873) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) and comparison to its congeners. Zootaxa 4078(1): 084-120.

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6 September 2018
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