Larsson, E.; Jeppson, M. 2008: Phylogenetic relationship among species and genera of Lycoperdaceaea based on ITS and LSU sequence data from north European taxa. Mycological Research 112: 4-22.

Larsson, E.; Jeppson, M. 2008: Phylogenetic relationship among species and genera of Lycoperdaceaea based on ITS and LSU sequence data from north European taxa. Mycological Research 112: 4-22.
Taxonomic concepts
Bovista aestivalis (Bonord.) Demoulin
Bovista polymorpha (Vittad.) Kreisel
Calvatia cretacea (Berk.) Lloyd 1917
Disciseda candida (Schwein.) Lloyd
Lycoperdon atropurpureum Vittad.
Lycoperdon excipuliforme (Scop.) Schaeff.
Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff. 1774
Morganella pyriformis (Schaeff.) Kreisel & D. Krüger 2003
Mycenastrum corium (Guers. ex DC.) Desv.
Cited scientific names
- Agaricus kroneanus Rabenh. 1878
- Bovista aestivalis (Bonord.) Demoulin 1979
- Bovista nigrescens Pers. 1794
- Bovista plumbea Pers. 1795
- Bovista polymorpha (Vittad.) Kreisel 1964
- Calvatia cretacea (Berk.) Lloyd 1917
- Disciseda candida (Schwein.) Lloyd 1902
- Lycoperdon atropurpureum Vittad. 1842
- Lycoperdon cretaceum Berk. 1880
- Lycoperdon echinatum Pers. 1794
- Lycoperdon excipuliforme (Scop.) Schaeff. 1774
- Lycoperdon marginatum Vittad.
- Lycoperdon nigrescens Pers. 1794
- Lycoperdon perlatum Pers. 1796
- Lycoperdon pratense Pers. 1794
- Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff. 1774
- Lycoperdon subincarnatum Peck
- Lycoperdon utriforme Bull. 1790
- Morganella pyriformis (Schaeff.) Kreisel & D. Krüger 2003
- Morganella Zeller 1948
- Mycenastrum corium (Guers. ex DC.) Desv. 1842
- Vascellum F. Šmarda 1958
15 June 2012