Meyrick, E. 1909: Notes and descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 41: 5-16.

Meyrick, E. 1909: Notes and descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 41: 5-16.
Cited scientific names
- Atomotricha isogama Meyrick, 1909
- Borkhausenia brachyacma Meyrick, 1909
- Borkhausenia cenchrias Meyrick, 1909
- Cacoecia sphenias Meyrick, 1909
- Crambus aulistes Meyrick, 1909
- Crambus melitastes Meyrick, 1909
- Crambus saristes Meyrick, 1909
- Dipterina crypsidora Meyrick, 1909
- Eurythecta potamias Meyrick, 1909
- Gelechia cheradias Meyrick, 1909
- Glyphipterix codonias Meyrick, 1909
- Gracillaria selenitis Meyrick, 1909
- Heterocrossa thalamota Meyrick, 1909
- Izatha percnitis Meyrick, 1909
- Mallobathra scoriota Meyrick, 1909
- Platyptilia isoterma Meyrick, 1909
- Scoparia cyptastis Meyrick, 1909
- Scoparia gyrotoma Meyrick, 1909
- Scoparia luminatrix Meyrick, 1909
- Selidosema leucelaea Meyrick, 1909
- Strepsicrates chaophila Meyrick, 1909
16 September 2014
21 April 2015