Brownsey, P.J. 1977: Asplenium hybrids in the New Zealand flora. New Zealand Journal of Botany 15: 601–637.

Brownsey, P.J. 1977: Asplenium hybrids in the New Zealand flora. New Zealand Journal of Botany 15: 601–637.
Almost identical to the hybrid A. bulbiferum × lucidum except that the sori are much shorter, 3-5 mm long.
Stipes brown on underside, green above, stout, sparsely covered in narrowly ovate, acuminate scales with filiform apices. Laminae lanceolate to elliptic, up to 40 × 25 cm, slightly coriaceous but usually pendulous, pinnate to bipinnate, often bearing bulbils. Raches predominantly green but sometimes brown on underside, prominently grooved, limp, sparingly scaly. Pinnae c.15-20 (or more) pairs, upper ones linear, lower ones narrowly ovate, acuminate. Pinnae sometimes only partially divided into short obtuse segments, usually more deeply divided into linear or oblong segments, or completely pinnate; basal acroscopic pinnule on a pinna markedly longer and more divided than that next to it. Sori sub-marginal, up to 10 mm long (but frequently only 2-5 mm). Spores aborted (Fig. 2).
Cited scientific names
19 July 2005
15 February 2018