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Itagaki, Hiyori; Hosoya, Tsuyoshi 2023: A new genus Neobelonopsis and two new species of Trichobelonium (Helotiales, Ascomycota) discovered mainly from poaceous grasses native to Asia in Japan. MycoKeys 99: 45-85.

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Itagaki, Hiyori; Hosoya, Tsuyoshi 2023: A new genus Neobelonopsis and two new species of Trichobelonium (Helotiales, Ascomycota) discovered mainly from poaceous grasses native to Asia in Japan. MycoKeys 99: 45-85.

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Trichobelonium has been treated as a synonym of Belonopsis (Aebi 1972; Nauta and Spooner 1999), but multi-gene analysis revealed that Trichobelonium species newly described in this study are phylogenetically distinct from other genera in Mollisiaceae (Fig. 1). The morphology of T. albobarbatum and T. miscanthi is consistent with the original description of Belonium subgen. Trichobelonium Sacc. (Saccardo 1889). Detailed morphological observations elucidated the following new features of Trichobelonium: the presence of anchoring hyphae between the base of apothecium and the subiculum, the presence of oil globules in young asci disappearing as the ascospore maturity, and the production of abundant crystals and soluble pigments in the colonies. From these results, we propose to retain the genus, Trichobelonium. The type species, T. kneiffii, lacks DNA sequences, but its morphological features such as abundant crystals in excipulum, long ascospores with multi-septum, and well-developed subiculum indicate that its congeneric with the two new species. The presence of the anchoring hyphae of T. kneiffii was also described as “filzigen oder spinnwebartigen Unterlage sitzend” (cobweb manner hyphal structure, translated by ourselves) by Schröter (1908)

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7 December 2023
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