Gordon, D.P. 2010: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.

Gordon, D.P. 2010: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
Related references
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- Compiled by Ben D. Bell King, C.M.; Roberts, C.D.; Bell, B.D.; Fordyce, R.E.; Nicol, R.S.; Worthy, T.H.; Paulin, C.D.; Hitchmough, R.A.; Keyes, I.W.; Baker, A.N.; Stewart, A.L.; Hiller, N.; McDowall, R.M.; Holdaway, R.N.; McPhee, R.P.; Schwarzhans, W.W.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Rust, S.; Macadie, I. 24: Phylum CHORDATA: lancelets, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. New Zealand living and fossil amphibians. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- Compiled by C.D. Roberts, C.D. Paulin, A.L. Stewart, R.P. McPhee [Te Papa] and R.M. McDowall [NIWA ] King, C.M.; Roberts, C.D.; Bell, B.D.; Fordyce, R.E.; Nicol, R.S.; Worthy, T.H.; Paulin, C.D.; Hitchmough, R.A.; Keyes, I.W.; Baker, A.N.; Stewart, A.L.; Hiller, N.; McDowall, R.M.; Holdaway, R.N.; McPhee, R.P.; Schwarzhans, W.W.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Rust, S.; Macadie, I. 24: Phylum CHORDATA: lancelets, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. Checklist of New Zealand Chordata. Living lancelets, jawless fishes, cartilaginous fishes, and bony fishes. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- Compiled by R. A. Hitchmough, G. K. Patterson, and C. H. Daugherty King, C.M.; Roberts, C.D.; Bell, B.D.; Fordyce, R.E.; Nicol, R.S.; Worthy, T.H.; Paulin, C.D.; Hitchmough, R.A.; Keyes, I.W.; Baker, A.N.; Stewart, A.L.; Hiller, N.; McDowall, R.M.; Holdaway, R.N.; McPhee, R.P.; Schwarzhans, W.W.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Rust, S.; Macadie, I. 24: Phylum CHORDATA: lancelets, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. New Zealand living and recently extinct reptiles. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
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- Compiled by Trevor H. Worthy, Richard N. Holdaway, and Alan J. D. Tennyson King, C.M.; Roberts, C.D.; Bell, B.D.; Fordyce, R.E.; Nicol, R.S.; Worthy, T.H.; Paulin, C.D.; Hitchmough, R.A.; Keyes, I.W.; Baker, A.N.; Stewart, A.L.; Hiller, N.; McDowall, R.M.; Holdaway, R.N.; McPhee, R.P.; Schwarzhans, W.W.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Rust, S.; Macadie, I. 24: Phylum CHORDATA: lancelets, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. Living and recently extinct birds. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
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- King, C.M.; Roberts, C.D.; Bell, B.D.; Fordyce, R.E.; Nicol, R.S.; Worthy, T.H.; Paulin, C.D.; Hitchmough, R.A.; Keyes, I.W.; Baker, A.N.; Stewart, A.L.; Hiller, N.; McDowall, R.M.; Holdaway, R.N.; McPhee, R.P.; Schwarzhans, W.W.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Rust, S.; Macadie, I. 24: Phylum CHORDATA: lancelets, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- King, C.M.; Roberts, C.D.; Bell, B.D.; Fordyce, R.E.; Nicol, R.S.; Worthy, T.H.; Paulin, C.D.; Hitchmough, R.A.; Keyes, I.W.; Baker, A.N.; Stewart, A.L.; Hiller, N.; McDowall, R.M.; Holdaway, R.N.; McPhee, R.P.; Schwarzhans, W.W.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Rust, S.; Macadie, I. Compiled by Carolyn M. King, Alan N. Baker, and R. Ewan Fordyce 24: Phylum CHORDATA: lancelets, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. Living and Holocene mammals and extinct non-marine mammals. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- King, C.M.; Roberts, C.D.; Bell, B.D.; Fordyce, R.E.; Nicol, R.S.; Worthy, T.H.; Paulin, C.D.; Hitchmough, R.A.; Keyes, I.W.; Baker, A.N.; Stewart, A.L.; Hiller, N.; McDowall, R.M.; Holdaway, R.N.; McPhee, R.P.; Schwarzhans, W.W.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Rust, S.; Macadie, I. Compiled by Robert S. Nicoll 24: Phylum CHORDATA: lancelets, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. Subphylum Conodontophorida. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- Kott, P.; Bradford-Grieve, J.; Esnal, G.; Murdoch, R. 23: Phylum TUNICATA: sea squirts, salps, appendicularians. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- MacFarlan, D.A.B.; Bradshaw, M.A.; Campbell, H.J.; Cooper, R.A.; Lee, D.E.; MacKinnon, D.I.; Waterhouse, J.B.; Wright, A.J.; Robinson, J.H. 11: Phylum BRACHIOPODA: lamp shells. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- Mah, C.L.; McKnight, D.G.; Eagle, M.K.; Pawson, D.L.; Améziane, N.; Vance, D.J.; Baker, A.N.; Clark, H.E.S.; Davey, N. 2010: 21: Phylum ECHINODERMATA: sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, sea lilies. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- Mianzan, H.; Dawson, E.W.; Mills, C.E. 3: Phylum CTENOPHORA: comb jellies. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- Shiel, R.J.; Smales, L.; Sterrer, W.; Duggan, I.C.; Pichelin, S.; Green, J.D. 8: Phylum GNATHIFERA: lesser jaw worms, rotifers, thorny-headed worms. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- Spencer, H.G.; Marshall, B.A.; Maxwell, P.A.; Grant-Mackie, J.A.; Stilwell, J.D.; Willan, R.C.; Campbell, H.J.; Crampton, J.S.; Henderson, R.A.; Bradshaw, M.A.; Waterhouse, J.B.; Pojeta, J. Jr 10: Phylum MOLLUSCA: chitons, clams, tusk shells, snails, squids, and kin. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
- Sterrer, W. 7: Phylum GASTROTRICHA: hairy-bellied worms, gastrotrichs. In: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 1.
8 March 2011
30 April 2015