Prout, L.B. 1939: Geometridae: Fauna Indo-Australica. In: Die Grossschmetterlinge des Indo-australischen Faunengebietes. Vol. 12. Band, Die indoaustralischen Spanner . Gross-schmetterlinge der Erde:The Macrolepidoptera of the World, a systematic description of the hitherto known Macrolepidoptera 237-292.

Prout, L.B. 1939: Geometridae: Fauna Indo-Australica. In: Die Grossschmetterlinge des Indo-australischen Faunengebietes. Vol. 12. Band, Die indoaustralischen Spanner . Gross-schmetterlinge der Erde:The Macrolepidoptera of the World, a systematic description of the hitherto known Macrolepidoptera 237-292.
Chapter in book (in series)
Cited scientific names
- Arctesthes catapyrrha fasciata Prout, 1929
- Arctesthes catapyrrha kaikourensis Prout, 1939
- Dasyuris anceps grisescens Prout, 1939
- Dasyuris catadees Prout, 1939
- Euphyia nigrofasciata Prout, 1939
- Euphyia purpurifera cohreifera Prout, 1939
- Euphyia rixata liara Prout, 1939
- Horisme gobiata fasciata Prout, 1939
- Larentia sericodes apicata Prout, 1939
- Notoreas blax Prout, 1939
- Notoreas chioneres Prout, 1939
- Notoreas isomoera Prout, 1939
- Xanthorhoe cedrinodes episma Prout, 1939
- Xanthorhoe cinnabari obsoleta Prout, 1939
16 December 2015