Nuttall, T. 1842: The North American Sylva; or, a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in the work of F. Andrew Michaux, and containing all the forest trees discovered in the rocky mountains, the territory of Oregon, down to the shores of the Pacific and into the confines of California as well as in various parts of the United States. Vol. 1 . J. Dobson, Philadelphia.

Nuttall, T. 1842: The North American Sylva; or, a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in the work of F. Andrew Michaux, and containing all the forest trees discovered in the rocky mountains, the territory of Oregon, down to the shores of the Pacific and into the confines of California as well as in various parts of the United States. Vol. 1 . J. Dobson, Philadelphia.
Cited scientific names
31 August 2021
20 October 2022