Udayanga, Dhanushka; Miriyagalla, Shaneya D.; Manamgoda, Dimuthu S.; Lewers, Kim S.; Gardiennet, Alain; Castlebury, Lisa A. 2021: Molecular reassessment of diaporthalean fungi associated with strawberry, including the leaf blight fungus, Paraphomopsis obscurans gen. et comb. nov. (Melanconiellaceae). IMA Fungus 12(15)

Udayanga, Dhanushka; Miriyagalla, Shaneya D.; Manamgoda, Dimuthu S.; Lewers, Kim S.; Gardiennet, Alain; Castlebury, Lisa A. 2021: Molecular reassessment of diaporthalean fungi associated with strawberry, including the leaf blight fungus, Paraphomopsis obscurans gen. et comb. nov. (Melanconiellaceae). IMA Fungus 12(15)
Taxonomic concepts
Dendrophoma obscurans (Ellis & Everh.) H.W. Anderson
Gnomonia fragariae f. fructicola Arnaud
Gnomonia fructicola (Arnaud) Fall 1951
Gnomoniopsis fragariae (Laib.) Udayanga & Castl.
Gnomoniopsis fructicola (Arnaud) Sogonov
Paraphomopsis obscurans (Ellis & Everh.) Udayanga & Castl.
Phoma obscurans Ellis & Everh. 1894
Phomopsis obscurans (Ellis & Everh.) B. Sutton
Zythia fragariae Laib.
Epitype designated here, BPI 919201; MBT 393833, ex-epitype culture M1262 = CBS 143829). GenBank: ITS = MT378347; LSU = MT378361; TEF1 = MT383096; RPB2 = MT383077.
Due to confusion of nomenclature and taxonomy, previous records of the pathogen from various geographic locations were linked to multiple names: Phoma obscurans, Sphaeronaemella fragariae and Phomopsis obscurans, or misidentified as Gnomonia fragariae, Gnomonia comari and Gnomoniopsis fragariae. Therefore, the actual distribution of the fungus may be largely underestimated.
Due to confusion of nomenclature and taxonomy, previous records of the pathogen from various geographic locations were linked to multiple names: Phoma obscurans, Sphaeronaemella fragariae and Phomopsis obscurans, or misidentified as Gnomonia fragariae, Gnomonia comari and Gnomoniopsis fragariae. Therefore, the actual distribution of the fungus may be largely underestimated.
Cited scientific names
- Dendrophoma obscurans (Ellis & Everh.) H.W. Anderson
- Fragaria ×ananassa Duchesne
- Gnomonia fragariae f. fructicola Arnaud 1931
- Gnomonia fructicola (Arnaud) Fall 1951
- Gnomoniopsis fragariae (Laib.) Udayanga & Castl. 2021
- Gnomoniopsis fructicola (Arnaud) Sogonov 2008
- Paragnomonia fragariae (Kleb.) Senan. & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Paraphomopsis obscurans (Ellis & Everh.) Udayanga & Castl. 2021
- Paraphomopsis Udayanga & Castl. 2021
- Phoma obscurans Ellis & Everh. 1894
- Phomopsis obscurans (Ellis & Everh.) B. Sutton 1965
- Zythia fragariae Laib. 1908
1 August 2022