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Nelson, W.A.; Sutherland, J.E.; Ringham, S.; Murupaenga, H. 2019: Dictyota korowai sp. nov. (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from Manawatawhi/Three Kings Islands, northern New Zealand, previously confused with Dictyota intermedia. Phycologia 58(4): 433–442.

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Nelson, W.A.; Sutherland, J.E.; Ringham, S.; Murupaenga, H. 2019: Dictyota korowai sp. nov. (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from Manawatawhi/Three Kings Islands, northern New Zealand, previously confused with Dictyota intermedia. Phycologia 58(4): 433–442.

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2 September 2020
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