Parris, B.S.; Croxall, J.P. 1974: Adiantum viridescens Colenso in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 12: 227–233.

Parris, B.S.; Croxall, J.P. 1974: Adiantum viridescens Colenso in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 12: 227–233.
Rhizome rather slender to stout, far-creeping; paleae dark brown, not very glossy, hardly denticulate, to 4 mm long; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes rather stout, red-brown to purple-brown, 13-36 cm long, clad in long to very long hairs, mainly in groove, but some on stipe generally, paleate in lower portion. Rachis similar, flexuous, clad in long curved to flexuous red-brown hairs, mainly in the groove, as are secondary rachises and costae. Lamina ovate-deltoid to deltoid, 2-3 pinnate, 11-31 × 7-33 cm, olive green, glabrous above and below. Primary pinnae 1-4 pairs, to 16 × 13 cm, alternate, distant, deltoid, with 2-4 lateral pinnae and a terminal pinna. Secondary pinnae rather distant, to 9 × 2.5 cm. Pinnules up to 1.9 × 0.5 cm, shortly stalked, dimidiate, oblong to narrow oblong, lower margin entire, upper margin lobed, incisions usually reaching below the sorus, up to ^ of pinna depth. Sporangia in sinuses of shallow lobes, on upper and outer pinna margins, protected by reniform reflexed marginal indusium; up to 10 groups to each pinna.
Cited scientific names
19 July 2005
8 January 2021