Harrower, Emma; Bougher, Neale L.; Winterbottom, Caitlin; Henkel, Terry W.; Horak, Egon; Matheny, P. Brandon 2015: New species in Cortinarius section Cortinarius (Agaricales) from the Americas and Australasia. MycoKeys 11: 1-21.

Harrower, Emma; Bougher, Neale L.; Winterbottom, Caitlin; Henkel, Terry W.; Horak, Egon; Matheny, P. Brandon 2015: New species in Cortinarius section Cortinarius (Agaricales) from the Americas and Australasia. MycoKeys 11: 1-21.
Cortinarius carneipallidus sp. nov. has been variously identified as C. atroviolaceus, C. atrolazulinus, C. subcalyptrosporus, C. violaceus and Cortinarius sp. The species was treated as ‘C. violaceus sensu Moser 1986’ in Harrower et al. (2015) but differs from north temperate C. violaceus by the absence of caulocystidia and association with Nothofagus. However, the name ‘C. violaceus sensu Moser 1986’ was applied based on interpretation of the protologue only, and as no specimens of ‘C. violaceus sensu Moser 1986’ were examined, we do not intend to synonymize the former with C. carneipallidus. It differs from C. kioloensis, with which it forms a sister group relationship (Fig. 1), by its association with Nothofagus.
Cited scientific names
4 September 2015