Cunningham, G.H. 1938: The Gasteromycetes of Australasia, XVIII. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 67(4): 408-410.

Cunningham, G.H. 1938: The Gasteromycetes of Australasia, XVIII. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 67(4): 408-410.
Plants solitary or caespitose, tuberiform or pyriform, 2-5 cm. .diameter, from yellow ochre to brilliant iodine green, drying pallid ferruginous. Peridium 400-600 microns thick, of a single pseudoparenchymatous layer, white or cream coloured in section. Gleba chocolate brown, appearing compact, cells minute, 2-3 to mmm.; subglobose, empty; columella reduced to a few tenuous branches arising from a small sterile base, but conspicuous in developing plants; tramal plates 15-50 microns thick, of gelatinized hyphae, thinner towards the centre and tending to disappear at maturity; basidia 4-spored. Spores elliptical, 11-15 x 8-10 microns, golden brown, apex bluntly pointed, base shortly pedicellate, with 4-5 longitudinal ribs which are rounded and about 2 microns tall.
Distribution: Tongariro National Park, Mrs. T. Carter. type collcetion : Mt. Reeves, Tararua Range, T. C. Birch; York Bay, E. H. Atkinson; Day's Bay. H. Cook, C., H. C.
Plants irregularly tuberiform, much shrunken and wrinkled when dry, fresh plants to 4 cm. diameter, drying to 2.5 cm., exterior clingy sage-green, brown where exposed, pallid dingy create and dull below, attached by a prominent rooting strand. Peridium 300-400 microns thick, of an outer layer of pseudoparenchyma exteriorly coated with a delicate fibrillose lacer of hyphae coated with crystals, and a thick inner layer of gelatinized hyphae. Gleba olivaceous. cells irregular, 3-4 to mm, subglobose in fresh plants, traversed by a branched columella; at maturity sometimes becoming gelatinized and collapsing to a thin compressed layer tramal plates 50-75 microns thick, of gelatinized hyphae; basidia 8-spored.. Spores elongate-elliptical, 4.5-5 x 1.5-2 microns, hyaline or tinted, smooth.
Distribution: Auckland, Waimarino,.1. C. Neill, Type Collection.
Hysterangium lobatum G. H. Cunn., n. comb.
Phallobata alba G. H. Cunn., Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 56, p. 713, 1926.
Type-locality: Whakatikei Forest Reserve, Wellington, N.Z.
Phallobata alba G. H. Cunn., Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 56, p. 713, 1926.
Type-locality: Whakatikei Forest Reserve, Wellington, N.Z.
Plants subglobose, to 2 cm. diameter, attached by a prominent basal strand, yellowish-brown to ferruginous, somewhat wrinkled when dry. Peridium 350-611 microns thick, readily separable in mature plants, of a single layer of compact pseudoparenchyma. Gleba ollivaceous, cells elongate, 2-6 mm. long, arranged radially, partially filled with spores; columella dendroid, arising from a sterile base; tramal plates 80-200 microns thick, composed of densely compacted gelatinized hyphae; basidia 6-spored. Spores fusiform, 11-14 x 5-6-5 microns, tinted yellow, apex acute, base pedicellate, covered with a conspicuous inflated exospore which is more prominent basally.
Distribution : Auckland, Te Aroha, C. H. C. ; Nelson, Fringe Hill, G. H. C., Type Collection.
Cited scientific names
- Gautieria novae-zelandiae G. Cunn. 1938
- Gautieria tasmanica G. Cunn. 1938
- Hysterangium hautu G. Cunn. 1938
- Hysterangium lobatum G. Cunn. 1938
- Hysterangium tunicatum G. Cunn. 1938
- Octaviania clelandii (Rodway) G. Cunn. 1938
- Octaviania hinsbyi (Rodway) G. Cunn. 1938
- Octaviania seminuda (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn. 1938
8 June 2001
11 July 2001