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Karling, J.S. 1968: Some zoosporic fungi of New Zealand. XII. Olpidiopsidaceae, Sirolpidiaceae and Lagenidiaceae. Sydowia 20: 190-199.

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Karling, J.S. 1968: Some zoosporic fungi of New Zealand. XII. Olpidiopsidaceae, Sirolpidiaceae and Lagenidiaceae. Sydowia 20: 190-199.

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This species is incompletely known so far as the basic generic distinctions are known, and it is difficult to classify it at present. Its thalli are somewhat bead-like and slightly constricted at the septa as in some species of Myzocytium, but it rarely produces short branches as in Lagenidium, For the latter reason it is tentatively placed in Lagenidium, but further studies may show that it has a Myzocytium type of sexual reproduction and oospore development.
It is not certain that this is the correct identification of the New Zealand species, and although it resembles M. microsporum, from Brazil it exhibits some noteworthy differences. In the first place it occurred in pollen grains and was not found in rotifers which were present in the same culture. Secondly, its zoospores and oospores are slightly smaller, and its oosporic thalli are sometimes 4-celled. Possibly, it might be considered as a variety of M. microsporum.
This species occurred in great abundance and caused swellings of the hyphal tips and incipient sporangia which were up to 80 um in diameter. Unfortunately, no resting spores were developed by the New Zealand parasites. Until these are found it is impossible to classify this species. It is recorded and discussed here in relation to the Olpidiopsidaceae only because it produces biflagellate zoospores. Otherwise, the development of other species in relation to the host and the types of sporangia and resting spores produced are similar to those of Rozella in the chytrid family Olpidiaceae.

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5 March 2003
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