Heenan, P.B.; Sykes, W.R. 2003: Passiflora (Passifloraceae) in New Zealand: a revised key with notes on distribution. New Zealand Journal of Botany 41(2): 217–221.
Heenan, P.B.; Sykes, W.R. 2003: Passiflora (Passifloraceae) in New Zealand: a revised key with notes on distribution. New Zealand Journal of Botany 41(2): 217–221.
Taxonomic concepts
Passiflora ×rosea (H.Karst.) Killip
Passiflora antioquiensis H.Karst.
Passiflora mollissima (Kunth) L.H.Bailey
Passiflora tarminiana Coppens & V.E.Barney
Passiflora tripartita (Juss.) Poir.
Passiflora tripartita (Juss.) Poir. var. tripartita
Passiflora tripartita var. azuayensis Holm-Niels. & P.Jørg.
Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima (Kunth) Holm-Niels. & P.Jørg.
Tacsonia mollissima Kunth
Identification keys
Key to Passiflora in New Zealand
Corolla bright crimson; hypanthium 2–3 cm long; peduncle 14–40 cm long, < 1.5 mm diam.; ovary glabrous
Corolla pink or shades of pink, to salmon-pink; hypanthium > 4 cm long; peduncle 2–7 cm long, > 2 mm diam.; ovary white villous .
Bracts free or occasionally connate < ¼ of their length; stipules pinnate and with filiform segments; corona filamentous, filaments > 7 mm long; fruit length < 1.7 × fruit width .
Bracts connate > 1/3 of their length; stipules simple, ovate and toothed, often deciduous; corona reduced to teeth, rarely filamentous and then filaments < 6 mm long; fruit length > (1.8–)2× fruit width
Stipules pinnatisect, pinnae filiform to narrow-linear, dark red; stamens normally developed; corona filaments 14–20 mm long; androgynophore extending to ovary base; bracts free, margins irregularly serrate and with prominent filamentous apices; fruit globose to depressed globose, abundantly produced
Stipules lanceolate, pinnae of small marginal teeth, green; stamens usually abnormal and ± petaloid; corona filaments 5–12 mm long; androgynophore terminating > 4 mm below ovary base; bracts free or occasionally connate < ¼ of their length, margins uniformly serrulate and with subacute apices; fruit broad ellipsoid, rarely produced
Leaves glabrous to glabrate on upper surface; stipules 4–7 × 2–3 mm, early deciduous; nectary chamber 1.4–2.0 cm wide; hypanthium/sepal length ratio 1.3–1.6; fruit fusiform
Leaves glabrous to densely pubescent on upper surface; stipules 6–20 × 12–30 mm, persistent; nectary chamber < 1.4 cm wide; hypanthium/sepal length ratio > 1.6; fruit obovoid to oblong
Leaves glabrous to glabrate or moderately to densely pubescent on upper surface; petiole with 6–14 glands; bracts connate for 1/3–2/3 length, sparsely to moderately pubescent, with the hairs inconspicuous; flowers pink; hypanthium glabrous, hypanthium/sepal length ratio (c. 2.0–)2.4–3.2
Leaves moderately to densely pubescent on upper surface
Leaves glabrous to glabrate on upper surface; petiole with 4–10 glands; bracts usually connate for > ¾ length, densely pubescent with the hairs conspicuous; flowers salmon-pink; hypanthium moderately to densely pubescent, hypanthium/sepal length ratio 1.6–2.6
Plants dioecious; leaves entire, coriaceous; perianth, 4-merous, < 2 cm diam. when fresh; fruit < 3 cm diam., orange
Plants with hermaphroditic flowers; leaves 3- or 5-lobed on adult shoots, membranous or submembranous; perianth 5-merous, > 4 cm diam. when fresh; fruit > 3 cm diam., yellow or purple
Leaves dull above, 5-lobed on adult shoots; stipules broad and subreniform; bracts entire; fruit yellow when ripe, 3.0–4.5 cm diam.
Leaves shining above, 3-lobed on adult shoots; stipules linear-subulate; bracts serrate; fruit dull or dark purple when ripe, > 4.5 cm diam.
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Cited scientific names
- Passiflora ×rosea (H.Karst.) Killip
- Passiflora antioquiensis H.Karst.
- Passiflora L.
- Passiflora mixta L.f.
- Passiflora mollissima (Kunth) L.H.Bailey
- Passiflora pinnatistipula Cav.
- Passiflora tarminiana Coppens & V.E.Barney
- Passiflora tripartita (Juss.) Poir.
- Passiflora tripartita (Juss.) Poir. var. tripartita
- Passiflora tripartita var. azuayensis Holm-Niels. & P.Jørg.
- Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima (Kunth) Holm-Niels. & P.Jørg.
- Tacsonia mollissima Kunth
30 April 2004
26 July 2006