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Mikhailyuk, T.I.; Sluiman, H.J.; Massalski, A.; Mudimu, O.; Demchenko, E.M.; Kondratyuk, S.Y.; Friedl, T. 2008: New streptophyte green algae from terrestrial habitats and an assessment of the genus Interfilum (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta). Journal of Phycology 44: 1586–1603.

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Mikhailyuk, T.I.; Sluiman, H.J.; Massalski, A.; Mudimu, O.; Demchenko, E.M.; Kondratyuk, S.Y.; Friedl, T. 2008: New streptophyte green algae from terrestrial habitats and an assessment of the genus Interfilum (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta). Journal of Phycology 44: 1586–1603.

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10 October 2011
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