Brady, C.L.; Cleenwerck, I.; Venter, S.N.; Engelbeen, K.; De Vos, P.; Coutinho, T.A. 2010: Emended description of the genus Pantoea, description of four species from human clinical samples, Pantoea septica sp. nov., Pantoea eucrina sp. nov., Pantoea brenneri sp. nov. and Pantoea conspicua sp. nov., and transfer of Pectobacterium cypripedii (Hori 1911) Brenner et al. 1973 emend. Hauben et al. 1998 to the genus as Pantoea cypripedii comb. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60(10): 2430-2440.

Brady, C.L.; Cleenwerck, I.; Venter, S.N.; Engelbeen, K.; De Vos, P.; Coutinho, T.A. 2010: Emended description of the genus Pantoea, description of four species from human clinical samples, Pantoea septica sp. nov., Pantoea eucrina sp. nov., Pantoea brenneri sp. nov. and Pantoea conspicua sp. nov., and transfer of Pectobacterium cypripedii (Hori 1911) Brenner et al. 1973 emend. Hauben et al. 1998 to the genus as Pantoea cypripedii comb. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60(10): 2430-2440.
Taxonomic concepts
Erwinia cypripedii (Hori 1911) Bergey et al. 1923
Pantoea cypripedii (Hori 1911) Brady et al. 2010
Pectobacterium cypripedii (Hori 1911) Brenner et al. 1973
Displays the following properties in addition to those in the emended genus description. Cells are motile, 0.5–1.0×1.0–3.0 μm, occurring singly or in pairs. Colonies are beige, round, convex and smooth with entire margins. Indole is not produced. Phenylalanine deaminase reaction is weakly positive. Acid is produced from the substrates listed in the genus description and from glycerol (weakly), inositol (weakly) and cellobiose. Carbon sources utilized at 28 °C are as listed in the genus description as well as melibiose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, gentiobiose, d-ribose, d-xylose, l-rhamnose, d-arabitol, d-mannitol, d-sorbitol (weakly), d-tartrate, d-malate, citrate and quinate. Carbon sources not utilized at 28 °C are as listed in the genus description as well as raffinose, lactulose, l-fucose, l-arabitol, xylitol, dulcitol, d-tagatose, adonitol, erythritol and betaine. The DNA G+C content is 54.1–54.6 mol%.
The type strain was isolated from a cypripedium orchid in California, USA.
type strain: LMG 2657T (=ATCC 29267T =DSM 3873T =LMG 2655T) [= ICMP 1591]
Cited scientific names
1 February 2013
12 March 2022