Hutton, F.W. 1881: Catalogues of the New Zealand Diptera, Orthoptera, Hymenoptera; with descriptions of the species. Wellington, Colonial Museum and Geological Survey of New Zealand. 132 p.

Hutton, F.W. 1881: Catalogues of the New Zealand Diptera, Orthoptera, Hymenoptera; with descriptions of the species. Wellington, Colonial Museum and Geological Survey of New Zealand. 132 p.
Cited scientific names
- Anomalomyia guttata (Hutton, 1881)
- Calliphora antennatis Hutton, 1881
- Calliphoroides antennatis (Hutton, 1881)
- Chaetocoelopa littoralis (Hutton, 1881)
- Coelopa littoralis Hutton, 1881
- Eurigaster feredayi Hutton, 1881
- Eurigaster marginatus Hutton, 1881
- Henops brunneus Hutton, 1881
- Huttonia tridens (Hutton, 1881)
- Leptotarsus vulpinus (Hutton, 1881)
- Megistocera vulpina Hutton, 1881
- Mycetophila guttata Hutton, 1881
- Nervijuncta tridens (Hutton, 1881)
- Pales feredayi (Hutton, 1881)
- Pales marginata (Hutton, 1881)
- Platyura tridens Hutton, 1881
- Psychoda conspicillata Hutton, 1881
- Sciara rufescens Hutton, 1881
13 June 2013